Alexandre Bonvin bio photo

Computational Structural Biology group focusing on dissecting, understanding and predicting biomolecular interactions at the molecular level.

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HADDOCK2.2 licensing

Getting the software

Note that HADDOCK2.4 is now officially released! Check details here.
HADDOCK consists of a collection of python and CNS scripts and other additional scripts and programs (csh, awk, perl, c++). The HADDOCK distribution can be obtained free of charge for non commercial users by completing and returning (via email) the license agreement form to:
    Prof. Dr. A.M.J.J. Bonvin
    Bijvoet Center of Biomolecular Research
    University of Utrecht
    Padualaan 8
    NL-3584 CH Utrecht
    The Netherlands
    Fax: +31 30 2537623
    Phone: +31 30 2533859
The HADDOCK2.2 distribution amounts to approximately 10MB (gzipped tar file) and will be distributed by email unless otherwise required. The additional software and licenses required to run HADDOCK (e.g. CNS) should be obtained directly from the distribution sites. (see the software links).

Commercial users should contact us for enquiries.
Please send any suggestions or enquiries to Alexandre Bonvin