"""Parse molecular structures in PDB format."""
import os
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from pdbtools.pdb_segxchain import run as place_seg_on_chain
from pdbtools.pdb_splitchain import run as split_chain
from pdbtools.pdb_splitmodel import run as split_model
from pdbtools.pdb_tidy import run as tidy_pdbfile
from haddock.core.supported_molecules import supported_residues
from haddock.core.typing import (
from haddock.libs.libio import working_directory
from haddock.libs.libutil import get_result_or_same_in_list, sort_numbered_paths
slc_record = slice(0, 6)
slc_serial = slice(6, 11)
slc_name = slice(12, 16)
slc_altloc = slice(16, 17)
slc_resname = slice(17, 20)
slc_chainid = slice(21, 22)
slc_resseq = slice(22, 26)
slc_icode = slice(26, 27)
slc_x = slice(30, 38)
slc_y = slice(38, 46)
slc_z = slice(46, 54)
slc_occ = slice(54, 60)
slc_temp = slice(60, 66)
slc_segid = slice(72, 76)
slc_element = slice(76, 78)
slc_charge = slice(78, 80)
def get_supported_residues(haddock_topology: FilePath) -> list[str]:
"""Read the topology file and identify which data is supported."""
supported: list[str] = []
with open(haddock_topology) as input_handler:
for line in input_handler:
if "resi" in line[:4].casefold():
res = line.split()[1]
return supported
_to_remove = ["REMAR", "CTERB", "CTERA", "NTERA", "NTERB", "CONECT"]
_to_rename = {
"HSD": "HIS",
"HSE": "HIS",
"HID": "HIS",
"HIE": "HIS",
"WAT ": "TIP3",
" 0.00969": " 0.00 ",
_to_keep = list(supported_residues)
def split_ensemble(pdb_file_path: Path,
dest: Optional[FilePath] = None) -> list[Path]:
Split a multimodel PDB file into different structures.
dest : str or pathlib.Path
Destination folder.
if dest is None:
dest = Path.cwd()
assert pdb_file_path.is_file(), pdb_file_path
with open(pdb_file_path) as input_handler:
with working_directory(dest):
return sort_numbered_paths(*get_new_models(pdb_file_path))
def split_by_chain(pdb_file_path: FilePath) -> list[Path]:
"""Split a PDB file into multiple structures for each chain."""
abs_path = Path(pdb_file_path).resolve().parent.absolute()
with open(pdb_file_path) as input_handler:
with working_directory(abs_path):
return get_new_models(pdb_file_path)
def tidy(pdb_file_path: FilePath, new_pdb_file_path: FilePath) -> None:
"""Tidy PDB structure."""
abs_path = Path(pdb_file_path).resolve().parent.absolute()
with open(pdb_file_path) as input_handler:
with working_directory(abs_path):
with open(new_pdb_file_path, "w") as output_handler:
for line in tidy_pdbfile(input_handler):
def swap_segid_chain(pdb_file_path: FilePath,
new_pdb_file_path: FilePath) -> None:
"""Add to the Chain ID column the found Segid."""
abs_path = Path(pdb_file_path).resolve().parent.absolute()
with open(pdb_file_path) as input_handler:
with working_directory(abs_path):
with open(new_pdb_file_path, "w") as output_handler:
for line in place_seg_on_chain(input_handler):
def sanitize(
pdb_file_path: FilePathT,
overwrite: bool = True,
custom_topology: Optional[FilePath] = None) -> Union[FilePathT, Path]:
"""Sanitize a PDB file."""
if custom_topology:
custom_res_to_keep = get_supported_residues(custom_topology)
good_lines: list[str] = []
with open(pdb_file_path) as input_handler:
for line in input_handler:
line = line.rstrip(os.linesep)
# Ignoring lines containing any tag from __to_remove
if not any([tag in line for tag in _to_remove]):
for tag, new_tag in _to_rename.items():
line = line.replace(tag, new_tag)
# check if this residue is known
res = line[17:20].strip()
if res and res in _to_keep:
if len(good_lines) > 0 and good_lines[-1] != "END":
if overwrite:
with open(pdb_file_path, "w") as output_handler:
for line in good_lines:
output_handler.write(line + os.linesep)
return pdb_file_path
basename = Path(pdb_file_path)
new_pdb_file = Path(f"{basename.stem}_cleaned{basename.suffix}")
new_pdb_file.write_text(os.linesep.join(good_lines) + os.linesep)
return new_pdb_file
def identify_chainseg(pdb_file_path: FilePath,
sort: bool = True) -> tuple[list[str], list[str]]:
"""Return segID OR chainID."""
segids: list[str] = []
chains: list[str] = []
with open(pdb_file_path) as input_handler:
for line in input_handler:
if line.startswith(("ATOM ", "HETATM")):
segid = line[72:76].strip()[:1]
except IndexError:
segid = ""
chainid = line[21].strip()
except IndexError:
chainid = ""
if segid:
if chainid:
if not segid and not chainid:
raise ValueError(
f"Could not identify chainID or segID in pdb {pdb_file_path}, line {line}"
if sort:
segids = sorted(list(set(segids)))
chains = sorted(list(set(chains)))
segids = list(set(segids))
chains = list(set(chains))
return segids, chains
def get_new_models(pdb_file_path: FilePath) -> list[Path]:
Get new PDB models if they exist.
If no new models are found, return the original path within a list.
new_models = get_result_or_same_in_list(
return new_models
def get_pdb_file_suffix_variations(file_name: FilePath,
sep: str = "_") -> list[Path]:
List suffix variations of a PDB file in the current path.
If `file.pdb` is given, and files `file_1.pdb`, `file_2.pdb`, exist
in the folder, those will be listed.
file_name : str or Path
The name of the file with extension.
sep : str
The separation between the file base name and the suffix.
Defaults to "_".
List of Paths with the identified PBD files.
If no files are found return an empty list.
basename = Path(file_name)
return list(Path(".").glob(f"{basename.stem}{sep}*{basename.suffix}"))
def read_RECORD_section(
lines: Iterable[str],
section_slice: slice,
func: Callable[[Iterable[str]], Iterable[str]] = set) -> Iterable[str]:
Create a set of observations from a section of the ATOM line.
A set of the observations.
# read the chain ID
chainids = func(
for line in lines
if line.startswith(('ATOM', 'HETATM')) and (the_line := line[section_slice].strip()) # noqa: E501
return chainids
read_chainids = partial(read_RECORD_section, section_slice=slc_chainid, func=list) # noqa: E501
read_segids = partial(read_RECORD_section, section_slice=slc_segid, func=list)