Source code for haddock.libs.libplots

"""Plotting functionalities."""

import json
import shutil

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly.colors as px_colors
import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from import plotly_cdn_url
from plotly.offline.offline import get_plotlyjs
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots

from pathlib import Path

from haddock import log
from haddock.core.typing import (
from haddock.libs.assets import haddock_ui_path

    ("irmsd", "score"),
    ("irmsd", "desolv"),
    ("irmsd", "vdw"),
    ("irmsd", "elec"),
    ("irmsd", "air"),
    ("dockq", "score"),
    ("dockq", "desolv"),
    ("dockq", "vdw"),
    ("dockq", "elec"),
    ("dockq", "air"),
    ("lrmsd", "score"),
    ("lrmsd", "desolv"),
    ("lrmsd", "vdw"),
    ("lrmsd", "elec"),
    ("lrmsd", "air"),
    ("ilrmsd", "score"),
    ("ilrmsd", "desolv"),
    ("ilrmsd", "vdw"),
    ("ilrmsd", "elec"),
    ("ilrmsd", "air"),
    ("fnat", "score"),
    ("fnat", "desolv"),
    ("fnat", "vdw"),
    ("fnat", "elec"),
    ("fnat", "air"),

# if SCATTER_PAIRS changes, SCATTER_MATRIX_SIZE should change too!
SCATTER_MATRIX_SIZE = (5, 5)  # (number of rows, number of columns)

    "score": "HADDOCK score",
    "irmsd": "i-RMSD",
    "lrmsd": "l-RMSD",
    "ilrmsd": "il-RMSD",
    "dockq": "DOCKQ",
    "desolv": "Edesolv",
    "vdw": "Evdw",
    "elec": "Eelec",
    "air": "Eair",
    "fnat": "FCC",
    "bsa": "BSA",

    "score": "HADDOCK score [a.u.]",
    "vdw": "Van der Waals Energy",
    "elec": "Electrostatic Energy",
    "air": "Restraints Energy",
    "desolv": "Desolvation Energy",
    "irmsd": "interface RMSD [A]",
    "lrmsd": "ligand RMSD [A]",
    "ilrmsd": "interface-ligand RMSD [A]",
    "fnat": "Fraction of Common Contacts",
    "dockq": "DOCKQ",
    "bsa": "Buried Surface Area [A^2]",

ClRank = dict[int, int]
A dict representing clusters' rank.

key  (int): cluster's id

value(int): cluster's rank

HEATMAP_DEFAULT_PATH = Path('contacts.html')
SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS = ('png', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'svg', 'pdf', 'eps', )

[docs] def create_html( json_content: str, plot_id: int = 1, plotly_js_import: Optional[str] = None, figure_height: int = 800, figure_width: int = 1000, ) -> str: """Create html content given a plotly json. Parameters ---------- json_content : str plotly json content plot_id : int plot id to be used in the html content figure_height : int figure height (in pixels) figure_width : int figure width (in pixels) Returns ------- html_content : str html content """ # Check if plotly javascript must be flushed in this file if not plotly_js_import: plotly_js_import = f'<script src="{plotly_cdn_url()}"></script>' # Write HTML content html_content = f""" <div> <script type="text/javascript">window.PlotlyConfig = {{ MathJaxConfig: 'local' }};</script> {plotly_js_import} <div id="plot{plot_id}" class="plotly-graph-div" style="height:{figure_height}px; width:{figure_width}px;"> </div> <script id="data{plot_id}" type="application/json"> {json_content} </script> <script type="text/javascript"> const dat{plot_id} = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("data{plot_id}").text) window.PLOTLYENV = window.PLOTLYENV || {{}}; if (document.getElementById("plot{plot_id}")) {{ Plotly.newPlot( "plot{plot_id}", dat{plot_id}.data, dat{plot_id}.layout, {{ responsive: true }}, ); }} </script> </div> """ # noqa : E501 return html_content
[docs] def read_capri_table( capri_filename: FilePath, comment: str = "#", ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Read capri table with pandas. Parameters ---------- capri_filename : str or Path capri single structure filename comment : str the string used to denote a commented line in capri tables Returns ------- capri_df : pandas DataFrame dataframe of capri values """ capri_df = pd.read_csv(capri_filename, sep="\t", comment=comment) return capri_df
[docs] def in_capri(column: str, df_columns: pd.Index) -> bool: """ Check if the selected column is in the set of available columns. Parameters ---------- column : str column name df_columns : pandas.DataFrame.columns columns of a pandas.DataFrame Returns ------- resp : bool if True, the column is present """ resp = True if column not in df_columns: log.warning(f"quantity {column} not present in capri table") resp = False return resp
[docs] def update_layout_plotly( fig: Figure, x_label: str, y_label: str, title: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Figure: """ Update layout of plotly plot. Parameters ---------- fig : plotly Figure figure x_label : str x axis name y_label : str y axis name title : str or None plot title """ px_dict = { "title": title, "xaxis": dict( title=dict(text=x_label, font=dict(size=40)), tickfont_size=14, ), "yaxis": dict( title=dict(text=y_label, font=dict(size=40)), tickfont_size=14, ), "legend": dict(x=1.01, y=1.0, font_family="Helvetica", font_size=16), "hoverlabel": dict(font_size=16, font_family="Helvetica"), } fig.update_layout(px_dict) return fig
[docs] def box_plot_plotly( gb_full: pd.DataFrame, y_ax: str, cl_rank: dict[int, int], format: Optional[ImgFormat], scale: Optional[float], offline: bool = False, ) -> Figure: """ Create a scatter plot in plotly. Parameters ---------- gb_full : pandas DataFrame data to box plot y_ax : str variable to plot cl_rank : dict {cluster_id : cluster_rank} dictionary format : str Produce images in the selected format. scale : int scale of image Returns ------- fig_list : list a list of figures """ colors = px_colors.qualitative.Dark24 color_map = {} for cl_id in sorted(cl_rank.keys()): color_idx = (cl_rank[cl_id] - 1) % len(colors) # color index # Note: the rank format (float/int) in "cl_rank" is different from # gb_full["cluster_ranking"] rns = gb_full[gb_full["cluster_id"] == cl_id]["cluster_ranking"] rn = rns.unique()[0] color_map[f"{rn}"] = colors[color_idx] # Choose a different color for "Other" like in scatter plots color_map["Other"] = "#DDDBDA" # to use color_discrete_map, cluster_ranking column should be str not int gb_full_string = gb_full.astype({"cluster_ranking": "string"}) # Rename for a better name in legend gb_full_string.rename( columns={"cluster_ranking": "Cluster Rank"}, inplace=True, ) # "Cluster Rank" is equivalent to "capri_rank"! fig = gb_full_string, x="capri_rank", y=f"{y_ax}", color="Cluster Rank", color_discrete_map=color_map, boxmode="overlay", points="outliers", width=1000, height=800, hover_data=["caprieval_rank"], ) # layout update_layout_plotly(fig, "Cluster Rank", AXIS_NAMES[y_ax]) # save figure px_fpath = Path(f"{y_ax}_clt.html") json_content = fig.to_json() html_content = create_html( json_content, plotly_js_import=offline_js_manager(px_fpath, offline), ) # write html_content to px_fname px_fpath.write_text(html_content) # create format boxplot if necessary if format: fig.write_image(f"{y_ax}_clt.{format}", scale=scale) return fig
[docs] def box_plot_data(capri_df: pd.DataFrame, cl_rank: ClRank) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Retrieve box plot data. Parameters ---------- capri_df : pandas DataFrame capri table dataframe cl_rank : dict {cluster_id : cluster_rank} dictionary Returns ------- gb_full : pandas DataFrame DataFrame of all the clusters to be plotted """ gb_cluster = capri_df.groupby("cluster_id") gb_other = pd.DataFrame([]) gb_good = pd.DataFrame([]) for cl_id, cl_df in gb_cluster: if cl_id not in cl_rank.keys(): gb_other = pd.concat([gb_other, cl_df]) else: cl_df["capri_rank"] = cl_rank[cl_id] # type: ignore gb_good = pd.concat([gb_good, cl_df]) gb_other["cluster_id"] = "Other" gb_other["capri_rank"] = len(cl_rank.keys()) + 1 gb_other["cluster_ranking"] = "Other" gb_full = pd.concat([gb_good, gb_other]) # Sort based on "capri_rank" gb_full.sort_values(by=["capri_rank"], inplace=True) return gb_full
[docs] def box_plot_handler( capri_filename: FilePath, cl_rank: ClRank, format: Optional[ImgFormat], scale: Optional[float], offline: bool = False, ) -> list[Figure]: """Create box plots. The idea is that for each of the top X-ranked clusters we create a box plot showing how the basic statistics are distributed within each model. Parameters ---------- capri_filename : str or Path capri single structure filename cl_rank : dict {cluster_id : cluster_rank} dictionary format : str Produce images in the selected format. scale : int scale for images. """ # generating the correct dataframe capri_df = read_capri_table(capri_filename, comment="#") gb_full = box_plot_data(capri_df, cl_rank) # iterate over the variables fig_list: list[Figure] = [] for y_ax in AXIS_NAMES.keys(): if not in_capri(y_ax, capri_df.columns): continue fig = box_plot_plotly( gb_full, y_ax, cl_rank, format, scale, offline=offline, ) fig_list.append(fig) return fig_list
[docs] def scatter_plot_plotly( gb_cluster: DataFrameGroupBy, gb_other: pd.DataFrame, cl_rank: ClRank, x_ax: str, y_ax: str, colors: list[str], format: Optional[ImgFormat], scale: Optional[float], offline: bool = False, ) -> Figure: """Create a scatter plot in plotly. Parameters ---------- gb_cluster : pandas DataFrameGroupBy capri DataFrame grouped by cluster_id gb_other : pandas DataFrame DataFrame of clusters not in the top cluster ranking cl_rank : dict {cluster_id : cluster_rank} dictionary x_ax : str name of the x column y_ax : str name of the y column colors : list list of colors to be used format : str Produce images in the selected format. scale : int scale for images. Returns ------- fig : an instance of plotly.graph_objects.Figure """ def _build_hover_text(df): """Build a nice text for hover text.""" text_list = [] for _, row in df.iterrows(): model_text = f"Model: {row['model'].split('/')[-1]}" score_text = f"Score: {row['score']}" caprieval_rank_text = f"Caprieval rank: {row['caprieval_rank']}" text_list.append( f"{model_text}<br>{score_text}" f"<br>{caprieval_rank_text}" ) return text_list fig = go.Figure(layout={"width": 1000, "height": 800}) traces: list[go.Scatter] = [] n_colors = len(colors) cl_rank_swap = {v: k for k, v in cl_rank.items()} for cl_rn in sorted(cl_rank_swap.keys()): cl_id = cl_rank_swap[cl_rn] cl_df = gb_cluster.get_group(cl_id) if cl_id in cl_rank.keys(): if cl_id == "-": cl_name = "Unclustered" else: cl_name = f"Cluster {cl_rank[cl_id]}" # use rank color_idx = (cl_rank[cl_id] - 1) % n_colors # color index traces.append( go.Scatter( x=cl_df[x_ax], y=cl_df[y_ax], name=cl_name, mode="markers", text=_build_hover_text(cl_df), legendgroup=cl_name, marker_color=colors[color_idx], hoverlabel=dict( bgcolor=colors[color_idx], font_size=16, font_family="Helvetica", ), ) ) clt_text = f"{cl_name}<br>" # mean and std deviations for the top 4 members x_mean = np.mean(cl_df[x_ax].iloc[:4]) y_mean = np.mean(cl_df[y_ax].iloc[:4]) x_std = np.std(cl_df[x_ax].iloc[:4]) y_std = np.std(cl_df[y_ax].iloc[:4]) if "score" not in [x_ax, y_ax]: clt_text += f"Score: {np.mean(cl_df['score'].iloc[:4]):.3f}<br>" clt_text += f"{x_ax}: {x_mean:.3f}<br>{y_ax}: {y_mean:.3f}" clt_text_list = [clt_text] traces.append( go.Scatter( x=[x_mean], y=[y_mean], # error bars error_x=dict( type="data", array=[x_std], visible=True ), error_y=dict( type="data", array=[y_std], visible=True ), # color and text marker_color=colors[color_idx], text=clt_text_list, legendgroup=cl_name, showlegend=False, mode="markers", marker=dict(size=10, symbol="square-dot"), hovertemplate=f"<b>{clt_text}</b><extra></extra>", hoverlabel=dict( bgcolor=colors[color_idx], font_size=16, font_family="Helvetica", ), ) ) # append trace other if not gb_other.empty: traces.append( go.Scatter( x=gb_other[x_ax], y=gb_other[y_ax], name="Other", mode="markers", text=_build_hover_text(gb_other), legendgroup="Other", marker=dict( color="white", line=dict(width=2, color="DarkSlateGrey"), ), hoverlabel=dict( bgcolor="white", font_size=16, font_family="Helvetica", ), ) ) for trace in traces: fig.add_trace(trace) px_fpath = Path(f"{x_ax}_{y_ax}.html") update_layout_plotly( fig, TITLE_NAMES[x_ax], TITLE_NAMES[y_ax], title=f"{TITLE_NAMES[x_ax]} vs {TITLE_NAMES[y_ax]}", ) json_content = fig.to_json() html_content = create_html( json_content, plotly_js_import=offline_js_manager(px_fpath, offline), ) # write html_content to px_fname Path(px_fpath).write_text(html_content) # create format boxplot if necessary if format: fig.write_image(f"{x_ax}_{y_ax}.{format}", scale=scale) return fig
[docs] def scatter_plot_data( capri_df: pd.DataFrame, cl_rank: ClRank, ) -> tuple[DataFrameGroupBy, pd.DataFrame]: """Retrieve scatter plot data. Parameters ---------- capri_df : pandas DataFrame capri table dataframe cl_rank : dict {cluster_id : cluster_rank} dictionary Returns ------- gb_cluster : pandas DataFrameGroupBy capri DataFrame grouped by cluster_id gb_other : pandas DataFrame DataFrame of clusters not in the top cluster ranking """ gb_cluster = capri_df.groupby("cluster_id") gb_other = pd.DataFrame([]) for cl_id, cl_df in gb_cluster: if cl_id not in cl_rank.keys(): gb_other = pd.concat([gb_other, cl_df]) return gb_cluster, gb_other
[docs] def scatter_plot_handler( capri_filename: FilePath, cl_rank: ClRank, format: Optional[ImgFormat], scale: Optional[float], offline: bool = False, ) -> list[Figure]: """Create scatter plots. The idea is that for each pair of variables of interest (SCATTER_PAIRS, declared as global) we create a scatter plot. If available, each scatter plot containts cluster information. Parameters ---------- capri_filename : str or Path capri single structure filename cl_rank : dict {cluster_id : cluster_rank} dictionary format : str Produce images in the selected format. scale : int scale for images. Returns ------- fig_list : list a list of figures """ capri_df = read_capri_table(capri_filename, comment="#") gb_cluster, gb_other = scatter_plot_data(capri_df, cl_rank) # defining colors colors = px_colors.qualitative.Dark24 fig_list = [] for x_ax, y_ax in SCATTER_PAIRS: if not in_capri(x_ax, capri_df.columns): continue if not in_capri(y_ax, capri_df.columns): continue fig = scatter_plot_plotly( gb_cluster, gb_other, cl_rank, x_ax, y_ax, colors, format, scale, offline=offline, ) fig_list.append(fig) return fig_list
def _report_grid_size(plot_list: list[Figure]) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]: """ Calculate the size of the grid in the report. By size, it means the number of rows/columns, and the width/height of an individual plot. In the report, some of the axes are shared. The settings for sharing axes depends on the type (scatters or boxes). The number of columns is set to the number of columns in SCATTER_MATRIX_SIZE. If the number of clusters is more than 5, it increases the width which causes horizontal scrolling in the report. Parameters ---------- plot_list : list list of plots generated by analyse command Returns ------- number_of_rows : int number of rows in the grid number_of_cols : int number of columns in the grid width : int the width of an individual plot height: int the height of an individual plot """ # Calculate grid size for subplots number_of_plots = len(plot_list) number_of_clusters = len({trace.legendgroup for trace in plot_list[0].data}) # same number of cols for both boxes and scatters number_of_cols = SCATTER_MATRIX_SIZE[1] number_of_rows = int(np.ceil(number_of_plots / number_of_cols)) # enable horizontal scroll width = 600 if number_of_clusters > 5 else 350 height = 600 if number_of_clusters > 5 else 350 return number_of_rows, number_of_cols, width, height
[docs] def report_plots_handler(plots, shared_xaxes=False, shared_yaxes=False): """ Create a figure that holds subplots. The idea is that for each type (scatters or boxes), the individual plots are considered subplots. In the report, some of the axes are shared. The settings for sharing axes depends on the type (scatters or boxes). Parameters ---------- plots : list list of plots generated by `analyse` command shared_xaxes: boolean or str (default False) a parameter of plotly.subplots.make_subplots shared_yaxes: boolean or str (default False) a parameter of plotly.subplots.make_subplots Returns ------- fig : an instance of plotly.graph_objects.Figure """ number_of_rows, number_of_cols, width, height = _report_grid_size(plots) fig = make_subplots( rows=number_of_rows, cols=number_of_cols, shared_xaxes=shared_xaxes, shared_yaxes=shared_yaxes, vertical_spacing=(0.4 / number_of_rows), horizontal_spacing=(0.3 / number_of_cols), ) for i, sub_fig in enumerate(plots): col_index = int((i % number_of_cols) + 1) row_index = int(np.floor(i / number_of_cols) + 1) # hide legend of plots except one if i != 0: sub_fig.for_each_trace(lambda trace: trace.update(showlegend=False)) fig.add_traces(, rows=row_index, cols=col_index) fig.update_yaxes( title_text=sub_fig.layout.yaxis.title.text, row=row_index, col=col_index, title_standoff=5, automargin=True, ) # x title only on the last row if shared_xaxes == "all": row_index = number_of_rows fig.update_xaxes( title_text=sub_fig.layout.xaxis.title.text, row=row_index, col=col_index, title_standoff=5, automargin=True, ) legend_title_text = sub_fig.layout.legend.title.text fig.update_layout( legend_title_text=legend_title_text, height=height * number_of_rows, width=width * number_of_cols, ) return fig
[docs] def find_best_struct( df: pd.DataFrame, max_best_structs: int = 4, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Find best structures for each cluster. Parameters ---------- df: pd.DataFrame The loaded capri_ss.tsv dataframe max_best_structs: int The maximum number of best structures to return. Returns ------- best_df: pd.DataFrame DataFrame of best structures with `cluster_id` and `best<model-cluster_ranking>` columns and empty strings for missing values. """ df = df[["cluster_id", "model-cluster_ranking", "model"]] df = df[df["model-cluster_ranking"] <= max_best_structs] best_df = df.pivot( index="cluster_id", columns="model-cluster_ranking", values="model", ) best_df = best_df.fillna('').reset_index() best_df.columns = [ f"best{col}" if col != "cluster_id" else col for col in best_df.columns ] # Remove empty columns best_df = best_df.loc[:, (best_df != '').any(axis=0)] return best_df
[docs] def clean_capri_table(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Create a tidy capri table for the report. It also combines mean and std values in one column. Also it drops the columns that are not needed in the report. Makes inplace changes to the dataframe. Parameters ---------- df : pandas DataFrame dataframe of capri values Returns ------- pandas DataFrame DataFrame of capri table with new column names """ for col_name in AXIS_NAMES.keys(): if not in_capri(col_name, df.columns): continue mean_value = df[col_name] std_value = df[f"{col_name}_std"] df[col_name] = [ {'mean': mean_value, 'std': std_value} for mean_value, std_value in zip(mean_value, std_value) ] # Drop columns ending with '_std' df = df.drop(df.filter(regex='_std$').columns, axis=1) return df
[docs] def create_other_cluster( clusters_df: pd.DataFrame, structs_df: pd.DataFrame, max_clusters: int, ) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: """ Combine all clusters with rank >= max_clusters into an "Other" cluster. Parameters ---------- clusters_df : pandas DataFrame DataFrame of clusters structs_df : pandas DataFrame DataFrame of structures max_clusters : int From which cluster rank to consider as "Other" Returns ------- tuple with clusters_df and structs_df """ if len(clusters_df) <= max_clusters: return clusters_df, structs_df # other clusters other_structs_df = structs_df[structs_df['cluster_ranking'] >= max_clusters].copy() # drop other clusters from structs_df structs_df = structs_df[structs_df['cluster_ranking'] < max_clusters].copy() other_structs_df.loc[:,'cluster_id'] = 'Other' other_structs_df.loc[:,'cluster_ranking'] = max_clusters inner_rank = other_structs_df['caprieval_rank'].rank(method='first').astype(int) # noqa : E501 other_structs_df['model-cluster_ranking'] = inner_rank structs_df = pd.concat([structs_df, other_structs_df]) clusters_df = clusters_df[clusters_df['cluster_rank'] < max_clusters] other_cluster = { 'cluster_id': 'Other', 'cluster_rank': max_clusters, 'n': len(other_structs_df), 'caprieval_rank': max_clusters, } for col in AXIS_NAMES.keys(): if any([ col not in other_structs_df.columns, col not in clusters_df.columns, ]): continue other_cluster[col] = other_structs_df[col].mean() other_cluster[col + '_std'] = other_structs_df[col].std() other_cluster_df = pd.DataFrame([other_cluster]) clusters_df = pd.concat([clusters_df, other_cluster_df], ignore_index=True).round(2) return clusters_df, structs_df
[docs] def clt_table_handler(clt_file, ss_file, is_cleaned=False): """ Create a dataframe including data for tables. The idea is to create tidy tables that report statistics available in capri_clt.tsv and capri_ss.tsv files. Parameters ---------- clt_file : str or Path path to capri_clt.tsv file ss_file: str or Path path to capri_ss.tsv file is_cleaned: bool is the run going to be cleaned? Returns ------- df_merged : pandas DataFrame a data frame including data for tables """ # table of statistics clusters_df = read_capri_table(clt_file) structs_df = read_capri_table(ss_file) # Round all numbers to 2 decimal places clusters_df = clusters_df.round(2) structs_df = structs_df.round(2) # if the run will be cleaned, the structures are going to be gzipped if is_cleaned: # substitute the values in the df by adding .gz at the end structs_df['model'] = structs_df['model'].replace( to_replace=r"(\.pdb)$", value=r".pdb.gz", regex=True, ) # ss_file is in NN_caprieval/ while report is in # analysis/NN_caprieval_analysis/ # need to correct model paths by prepending ../ structs_df['model'] = structs_df['model'].apply(lambda x: f"../{x}") is_unclustered = clusters_df["cluster_rank"].unique().tolist() == ["-"] # If unclustered, we only want to show the top 10 structures in a table. if is_unclustered: max_unstructured_structures = 10 structs_df = structs_df[:max_unstructured_structures] cols2keep = ['caprieval_rank', 'model'] + list(AXIS_NAMES.keys()) structs_df = structs_df[cols2keep] # model has ../../01_rigidbody/rigidbody_62.pdb.gz # add id column with 62 as value structs_df['id'] = structs_df['model'].str.extract(r'(\d+).pdb') return structs_df clusters_df, structs_df = create_other_cluster( clusters_df, structs_df, max_clusters=11, ) clusters_df = clean_capri_table(clusters_df) structs_df = find_best_struct(structs_df, max_best_structs=4) df_merged = pd.merge(clusters_df, structs_df, on="cluster_id") return df_merged
def _css_styles_for_report(offline: bool) -> str: """ Generate custom CSS styles for an analysis report. Parameters ---------- offline : bool If True, the HTML will be generated for offline use. Returns ------- The CSS styles as a string. """ custom_css = """ .title { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 32px; font-weight: bold; } body { margin-left: 1em; } table { border-collapse: collapse; } th { background-color: #f2f2f2; padding: 8px; border: 1px solid #ddd; text-align: left; } th[scope="row"] { position: sticky; min-width: 16rem; left: 0; z-index: 1 } td { border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 8px; text-align: left; } tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #f2f2f2 } .js-plotly-plot .plotly .modebar svg { display: inline; } """ css_link = "" if offline: # copy the css file to the report directory src = haddock_ui_path / 'index.css' shutil.copyfile(str(src), "../data/ui/index.css") css_link = "../../data/ui/index.css" table_css = f' <link href="{css_link}" rel="stylesheet" />' return f"{table_css}<style>{custom_css}</style>" def _generate_html_report( step: str, figures: list[Union[Figure, pd.DataFrame]], report_path: FilePath, offline: bool = False, ) -> str: """ Generate an HTML report for a specific step of analysis, including figures. Parameters ---------- step : str The step number. figures : list A list of figures to include in the HTML body. Each figure can be either a string representing a table or a plotly.graph_objects.Figure object. offline : bool If True, the HTML will be generated for offline use. Returns ------- html_report : str The generated HTML report as a string. """ html_report = "<!DOCTYPE html><html lang='en'>" html_report += _generate_html_head(step, offline) html_report += _generate_html_body(figures, report_path, offline=offline) html_report += "</html>" return html_report def _generate_html_head(step, offline): """ Generate the HTML head section for an analysis report. Parameters ---------- step : str The step number. offline : bool If True, the HTML will be generated for offline use. Returns ------- head : str The HTML head section as a string. """ head = "<head>" head += f"<title>Analysis report of step {step}</title>" head += f"<p class='title'>Analysis report of step {step}</p>" head += _css_styles_for_report(offline) head += "</head>" return head def _generate_unclustered_table_html( table_id: str, df: pd.DataFrame, bundle_url: str, ) -> str: data = df.to_json(orient='records') headers = [ {'key': "caprieval_rank", 'label': "Structure Rank", 'sorted': "asc"}, {'key': "model", 'label': "Structure", 'sortable': False, 'type': "structure" }, ] + [ {'key': k, 'label': v, 'type': 'stats'} for k, v in AXIS_NAMES.items() if k in df.columns ] + [ {'key': "id", 'label': "Structure ID"}, ] return f""" <div id="{table_id}"></div> <script id="data{table_id}" type="application/json"> {{ "structures": {data}, "headers": {json.dumps(headers)} }} </script> <script type="module"> import {{ renderStructureTable }} from "{bundle_url}"; const props = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("data{table_id}").text) renderStructureTable(document.getElementById('{table_id}'), props.headers, props.structures) </script>""" # noqa : E501 def _generate_clustered_table_html( table_id: str, df: pd.DataFrame, bundle_url: str, ) -> str: data = df.to_json(orient='records') nr_best_columns = df.filter(like="best").shape[1] headers = [ {'key': "cluster_rank", 'label': "Cluster Rank", 'sorted': "asc"}, {'key': "cluster_id", 'label': "Cluster ID"}, {'key': "n", 'label': "Cluster size"}, ] + [ {'key': k, 'label': v, 'type': 'stats'} for k, v in AXIS_NAMES.items() if k in df.columns ] + [ {'key': f"best{i}", 'label': f"Nr {i} best structure", 'sortable': False, 'type': "structure" } for i in range(1, nr_best_columns + 1) ] caption = '' if df['cluster_id'].isin(['Other']).any(): caption = ( 'The "Other" cluster is not a real cluster it contains' 'all structures that are not in the top 10 clusters.' ) return f""" <div id="{table_id}"></div> <div>{caption}</div> <script id="data{table_id}" type="application/json"> {{ "clusters": {data}, "headers": {json.dumps(headers)} }} </script> <script type="module"> import {{ renderClusterTable }} from "{bundle_url}"; const props = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("data{table_id}").text) renderClusterTable(document.getElementById('{table_id}'), props.headers, props.clusters); </script>""" # noqa : E501 def _generate_html_body( figures: list[Union[Figure, pd.DataFrame]], report_path: FilePath, offline: bool = False, ) -> str: """ Generate an HTML body section containing figures for an analysis report. Parameters ---------- figures : list A list of figures to include in the HTML body. Each figure can be either a string representing a table or a plotly.graph_objects.Figure object. offline : bool If True, the HTML will be generated for offline use. Returns ------- body : str The generated HTML body as a string. """ body = "<body>" table_index: int = 1 fig_index: int = 1 for figure in figures: if isinstance(figure, pd.DataFrame): # tables table_index += 1 table_id = f"table{table_index}" is_unclustered = 'cluster_rank' not in figure bundle_url = "" if offline: # copy the bundle to the run_dir folder src = haddock_ui_path / 'report.bundle.js' shutil.copyfile(str(src), "../data/ui/report.bundle.js") bundle_url = "../../data/ui/report.bundle.js" if is_unclustered: inner_html = _generate_unclustered_table_html(table_id, figure, bundle_url) else: inner_html = _generate_clustered_table_html(table_id, figure, bundle_url) else: # plots inner_json = figure.to_json() inner_html = create_html( inner_json, fig_index, plotly_js_import=offline_js_manager(report_path, offline), figure_height=figure.layout.height, figure_width=figure.layout.width, ) fig_index += 1 # type: ignore body += "<br>" # add a break between tables and plots body += inner_html body += "</body>" return body
[docs] def report_generator( boxes: list[Figure], scatters: list[Figure], tables: list, step: str, directory: FilePath = ".", offline: bool = False ) -> None: """ Create a figure include plots and tables. The idea is to create a report.html file that includes all the plots and tables generated by the command `analyse`. Parameters ---------- boxes : list list of box plots generated by box_plot_handler scatters: list list of scatter plots generated by scatter_plot_handler table: list a list including tables generated by clt_table_handler directory : Path path to the output folder offline: bool If True, the HTML will be generated for offline use. """ figures = [tables] # Combine scatters figures.append( report_plots_handler( scatters, shared_xaxes="rows", shared_yaxes="columns", ) ) # Combine boxes" figures.append(report_plots_handler(boxes)) if offline: Path('../data/ui').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Write everything to a html file report_path = Path(directory, "report.html") html_report = _generate_html_report(step, figures, report_path, offline) with open(report_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as report: report.write(html_report)
[docs] def heatmap_plotly( matrix: NDFloat, labels: Optional[dict] = None, xlabels: Optional[list] = None, ylabels: Optional[list] = None, color_scale: str = 'Greys_r', title: Optional[str] = None, output_fname: Path = HEATMAP_DEFAULT_PATH, offline: bool = False, hovertemplate: Optional[str] = None, customdata: Optional[list[list[Any]]] = None, delineation_traces: Optional[list[dict[str, float]]] = None, ) -> Path: """Generate a `plotly heatmap` based on matrix content. Parameters ---------- matrix : NDFloat The 2D matrix containing data to be shown. labels : dict Labels of the horizontal (x), vertical (y) and colorscale (color) axis. xlabels : list List of columns names. ylabels : list List of row names. color_scale : str Color scale to use. title : str Title of the figure. output_fname : Path Path to the output filename to generate. hovertemplate: Optional[str] Custrom string used to format data for hover annotation in plotly. customdata: Optional[list[list[list[int]]]] A matrix of cluster ids, used for extra hover annotation in plotly. delineation_traces: Optional[list[dict[str, float]]] A list of dict enabling to draw lines separating cluster ids. Return ------ output_fname : Path Path to the generated filename """ # Generate heatmap trace fig = px.imshow( matrix, labels=labels, x=xlabels, y=ylabels, color_continuous_scale=color_scale, title=title, ) # Place X axis on top fig.update_xaxes(side="top") fig.update_traces( hovertemplate=hovertemplate, customdata=customdata, ) # Add delineation traces if delineation_traces: # Loop over lines for trace in delineation_traces: # Draw them fig.add_shape( type="line", line={"dash": "5px"}, x0=trace["x0"], x1=trace["x1"], y0=trace["y0"], y1=trace["y1"], ) # Compute pixels nb_entries = matrix.shape[0] scaled_log = int(np.log(nb_entries)) * 200 lower_bound = max(scaled_log, 1000) uppder_bound = min(lower_bound, 2000) # Set hight and width height = uppder_bound # Increment width for legend space width = height + 70 # Save figure as html file export_plotly_figure( fig, output_fname, offline=offline, figure_height=height, figure_width=width, ) return output_fname
[docs] def export_plotly_figure( fig: Figure, output_fname: Union[str, Path], figure_height: int = 1000, figure_width: int = 1000, offline: bool = False, ) -> None: """Write a plotly figure. Parameters ---------- fig : Figure The plotly Figure object output_fname : Union[str, Path] Where to write it figure_height : int, optional Height of the figure (in pixels), by default 1000 figure_width : int, optional Width of the figure (in pixels), by default 1000 offline : bool, optional If True add the plotly js library to the file, by default False """ # Detect output file extension _suffix = Path(output_fname).suffix suffix = _suffix[1:] # Check corresponding function if suffix == "html": fig_to_html( fig, output_fname, figure_height=figure_height, figure_width=figure_width, offline=offline, ) elif suffix in SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS: fig.write_image(output_fname)
[docs] def make_alascan_plot( df: pd.DataFrame, clt_id: int, scan_res: str = "ALA", offline: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Make a plotly interactive plot. Score components are here **weighted** by their respective contribution to the total score. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing the results of the alanine scan. clt_id : int Cluster ID. scan_res : str, optional Residue name used for the scan, by default "ALA" """ plot_name = f"scan_clt_{clt_id}""Generating {scan_res} scanning plot {plot_name}") # create figure width, height = 2000, 1000 fig = go.Figure(layout={"width": width, "height": height}) # add traces fig.add_trace( go.Bar( x=df["full_resname"], y=df["delta_score"], name="delta_score", ) ) fig.add_trace( go.Bar( x=df["full_resname"], y=df["delta_vdw"], name="delta_vdw", ) ) # delta_elec is given its weight in the emscoring module fig.add_trace( go.Bar( x=df["full_resname"], y=0.2 * df["delta_elec"], name="delta_elec", ) ) fig.add_trace( go.Bar( x=df["full_resname"], y=df["delta_desolv"], name="delta_desolv", ) ) # prettifying layout fig.update_layout( title=f"{scan_res} scanning cluster {clt_id}", xaxis=dict( title=dict(text="Residue Name", font=dict(size=16)), tickfont_size=14, tick0=df["full_resname"], # in case we want to show less residues # dtick=10, ), yaxis=dict( title=dict(text="Average Delta (WT - mutant)", font=dict(size=16)), tickfont_size=14, ), legend=dict(x=1.01, y=1.0, font_family="Helvetica", font_size=16), barmode="group", bargap=0.05, bargroupgap=0.05, hovermode="x unified", hoverlabel=dict(font_size=16, font_family="Helvetica"), ) for n in range(df.shape[0] - 1): fig.add_vline(x=0.5 + n, line_color="gray", opacity=0.2) # save html html_output_filename = f"{plot_name}.html" export_plotly_figure( fig, html_output_filename, figure_height=height, figure_width=width, offline=offline, )
[docs] def fig_to_html( fig: Figure, fpath: Union[str, Path], plot_id: int = 1, figure_height: int = 800, figure_width: int = 1000, offline: bool = False, ) -> None: """Workaround plotly html file generation. Parameters ---------- fig : Figure A Figure object created by Plotly fpath : Union[str, Path] Where to write the content json_content : str plotly json content plot_id : int plot id to be used in the html content figure_height : int figure height (in pixels) figure_width : int figure width (in pixels) offline : bool If set to False, use the cdn url to obtain the javascript content for the rendering. """ # Convert to json json_content = fig.to_json() # Create custom html file html_content = create_html( json_content, plot_id=plot_id, plotly_js_import=offline_js_manager(fpath, offline), figure_height=figure_height, figure_width=figure_width, ) # Write it Path(fpath).write_text(html_content)
[docs] def offline_js_manager(fpath: FilePath, offline: bool) -> str: """Build string to access plotly javascript content. Parameters ---------- fpath : FilePath Path to the figure about to be written. offline : bool if True use the offline approach. Returns ------- plotly_js_import : str HTML solution for the importation of the plotly javascript content. """ # Case where offline isrequired if offline: # Obtain directory where the figure should be written fig_dir = Path(fpath).parent # Set plotly js filepath plotly_js_fpath = Path(fig_dir, "plotly_bundle.js") # Check that this file do not already exists if not plotly_js_fpath.exists(): # Write the plotly java script content plotly_js_fpath.write_text(get_plotlyjs()) # Build HTML string plotly_js_import = f'<script src="{plotly_js_fpath}"></script>' else: # Use CDN url to obtain the script plotly_js_import = f'<script src="{plotly_cdn_url()}"></script>' return plotly_js_import
[docs] def make_traceback_plot(tr_subset, plot_filename, offline=False): """ Create a traceback barplot with the 40 best ranked models. Parameters ---------- tr_subset : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing the top traceback results plot_filename : Path Path to the output filename to generate """ rank_columns = tr_subset.columns[tr_subset.columns.str.endswith("rank")] # for each row, plot a bar with the values of the rank columns fig =, x="Model", y=rank_columns) # vertical legend on the right with legend name 'Modules' fig.update_layout(legend_orientation="v", legend_title="Modules") # legend should have bigger font size fig.update_layout( legend=dict( title_font_size=24, font_size=24, ), ) # y axis title 'Sum of Ranks' fig.update_layout(yaxis_title="Sum of Ranks", xaxis_title="Models") # bigger axis labels fig.update_layout( yaxis=dict(title_font_size=30, tickfont_size=16), xaxis=dict(title_font_size=30, tickfont_size=16), ) # bigger title fig.update_layout( title_text=f"Top ranked {tr_subset.shape[0]} Models", title_font_size=30 ) fig_to_html( fig, plot_filename, figure_height=1200, figure_width=2000, offline=offline, ) return plot_filename