Source code for haddock.modules.analysis.caprieval.capri

"""CAPRI module."""

import copy
import json
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
from itertools import combinations
from math import isnan
from pathlib import Path

os.environ["OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"

import numpy as np
from pdbtools import pdb_segxchain
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

from haddock import log
from haddock.core.defaults import CNS_MODULES
from haddock.core.typing import (
from haddock.gear.config import load as read_config
from haddock.libs.libalign import (
from haddock.libs.libio import write_dic_to_file, write_nested_dic_to_file
from haddock.libs.libontology import PDBFile, PDBPath
from haddock.modules import get_module_steps_folders

WEIGHTS = ["w_elec", "w_vdw", "w_desolv", "w_bsa", "w_air"]

[docs] def get_previous_cns_step(sel_steps: list, st_order: int) -> Union[str, None]: """ Get the previous CNS step. Parameters ---------- run_path : Path Path to the run folder. Returns ------- cns_step : str Name of the CNS step. """ # get the previous CNS step cns_step = None # just to be careful, remove steps with more than one underscore sel_steps = [step for step in sel_steps if step.count("_") == 1] mod = min(st_order - 1, len(sel_steps) - 1) # loop while mod > -1: st_name = sel_steps[mod].split("_")[1] if st_name in CNS_MODULES: cns_step = sel_steps[mod] break mod -= 1 return cns_step
[docs] def save_scoring_weights(cns_step: str) -> Path: """Save the scoring weights in a json file. Parameters ---------- cns_step : str Name of the CNS step. Returns ------- scoring_params_fname : Path Path to the json file. """ cns_params = read_config(Path("..", cns_step, "params.cfg")) key = list(cns_params["final_cfg"].keys())[0] scoring_pars = {kv: cns_params["final_cfg"][key][kv] for kv in WEIGHTS} scoring_params_fname = Path("weights_params.json") # write json file with open(scoring_params_fname, "w", encoding="utf-8") as jsonf: json.dump( scoring_pars, jsonf, indent=4, ) return scoring_params_fname
[docs] def load_contacts( pdb_f: Union[Path, PDBFile], cutoff: float = 5.0, numbering_dic: Optional[dict[str, dict[int, int]]] = None, model2ref_chain_dict: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None, ) -> set[tuple]: """Load residue-based contacts. Parameters ---------- pdb_f : PosixPath or :py:class:`haddock.libs.libontology.PDBFile` PDB file of the model to have its atoms identified cutoff : float, optional Cutoff distance for the interface identification. Returns ------- set(con_list) : set set of unique contacts """ if isinstance(pdb_f, PDBFile): pdb_f = pdb_f.rel_path # get also side chains atoms atoms = get_atoms(pdb_f, full=True) ref_coord_dic, _ = load_coords( pdb_f, atoms, numbering_dic=numbering_dic, model2ref_chain_dict=model2ref_chain_dict, ) # create coordinate arrays coord_arrays: dict[str, NDFloat] = {} coord_ids: dict[str, list[int]] = {} for atom in ref_coord_dic.keys(): chain = atom[0] if chain not in coord_arrays.keys(): # initialize lists coord_arrays[chain], coord_ids[chain] = [], [] # type: ignore coord_arrays[chain].append(ref_coord_dic[atom]) # type: ignore coord_ids[chain].append(atom[1]) # only the resid is appended for chain in coord_arrays.keys(): coord_arrays[chain] = np.array(coord_arrays[chain]) # combinations of chains unique_chain_combs = list(combinations(sorted(coord_arrays.keys()), 2)) # calculating contacts con_list: list[tuple] = [] for pair in unique_chain_combs: # cycling over each coordinate of the first chain for s in range(coord_arrays[pair[0]].shape[0]): s_xyz = coord_arrays[pair[0]][s].reshape(1, 3) s_cid = coord_ids[pair[0]][s] dist = cdist(s_xyz, coord_arrays[pair[1]]) npw = np.where(dist < cutoff) del dist for k in range(npw[0].shape[0]): con = (pair[0], s_cid, pair[1], coord_ids[pair[1]][npw[1][k]]) con_list.append(con) return set(con_list)
[docs] class CAPRI: """CAPRI class.""" def __init__( self, identificator: int, model: PDBPath, path: Path, reference: PDBPath, params: ParamMap, ref_id: int = 1, ) -> None: """ Initialize the class. Parameters ---------- identificator : int The identificator of the object. model : PosixPath or :py:class:`haddock.libs.libontology.PDBFile` The model to be evaluated. path : Path Reference that defines where output should be saved. reference : PosixPath or :py:class:`haddock.libs.libontology.PDBFile` The reference structure. params : dict The parameters for the CAPRI evaluation. """ self.reference = reference if not isinstance(model, PDBFile): self.model = PDBFile(model) self.md5 = "" self.score = float("nan") else: self.model = model self.md5 = model.md5 self.score = model.score self.path = path self.params = params self.irmsd = float("nan") self.lrmsd = float("nan") self.ilrmsd = float("nan") self.fnat = float("nan") self.dockq = float("nan") self.rmsd = float("nan") self.allatoms = params["allatoms"] self.atoms = self._load_atoms(model, reference, full=self.allatoms) self.r_chain = params["receptor_chain"] self.l_chains = params["ligand_chains"] self.model2ref_numbering = None self.model2ref_chain_dict = None self.output_ss_fname = Path(f"capri_ss_{identificator}.tsv") self.output_clt_fname = Path(f"capri_clt_{identificator}.tsv") self.output = self.output_ss_fname self.identificator = identificator self.core_model_idx = identificator self.ref_id = ref_id
[docs] def calc_irmsd(self, cutoff: float = 5.0) -> None: """Calculate the I-RMSD. Parameters ---------- cutoff : float The cutoff distance for the intermolecular contacts. """ # Identify reference interface ref_interface_resdic = self.identify_interface(self.reference, cutoff) if len(ref_interface_resdic) == 0: log.warning("No reference interface found") else: # Load interface coordinates ref_coord_dic, _ = load_coords( self.reference, self.atoms, ref_interface_resdic ) try: mod_coord_dic, _ = load_coords( self.model, self.atoms, ref_interface_resdic, numbering_dic=self.model2ref_numbering, model2ref_chain_dict=self.model2ref_chain_dict, ) except ALIGNError as alignerror: log.warning(alignerror) return # Here _coord_dic keys are matched # and formatted as (chain, resnum, atom) # we will use atoms that are present in both P = [] Q = [] for k in ref_coord_dic.keys() & mod_coord_dic.keys(): ref_xyz = ref_coord_dic[k] mod_xyz = mod_coord_dic[k] Q.append(ref_xyz) P.append(mod_xyz) Q = np.asarray(Q) P = np.asarray(P) # write_coords("model.pdb", P) # write_coords("ref.pdb", Q) Q = Q - centroid(Q) P = P - centroid(P) U = kabsch(P, Q) P =, U) self.irmsd = calc_rmsd(P, Q)
# write_coords("model_aln.pdb", P) # write_coords("ref_aln.pdb", Q)
[docs] def calc_lrmsd(self) -> None: """Calculate the L-RMSD.""" ref_coord_dic, _ = load_coords(self.reference, self.atoms) try: mod_coord_dic, _ = load_coords( self.model, self.atoms, numbering_dic=self.model2ref_numbering, model2ref_chain_dict=self.model2ref_chain_dict, ) except ALIGNError as alignerror: log.warning(alignerror) return Q = [] P = [] # Note: this MUST be sorted since we will use the indexes to # separate between receptor and ligand coordinates intersection = sorted(ref_coord_dic.keys() & mod_coord_dic.keys()) chain_ranges: dict[Any, Any] = {} for i, segment in enumerate(intersection): chain, _, _ = segment if chain not in chain_ranges: chain_ranges[chain] = [] chain_ranges[chain].append(i) chain_ranges = make_range(chain_ranges) obs_chains = list(chain_ranges.keys()) # observed chains if len(obs_chains) < 2: log.warning("Not enough chains for calculating lrmsd") else: r_chain, l_chains = check_chains(obs_chains, self.r_chain, self.l_chains) r_start, r_end = chain_ranges[r_chain] l_starts = [chain_ranges[_l][0] for _l in l_chains] l_ends = [chain_ranges[_l][1] for _l in l_chains] for k in intersection: ref_xyz = ref_coord_dic[k] mod_xyz = mod_coord_dic[k] Q.append(ref_xyz) P.append(mod_xyz) Q = np.asarray(Q) P = np.asarray(P) # write_coords("ref_first.pdb", Q) # write_coords("model_first.pdb", P) # get receptor and ligand coordinates Q_r_first = Q[r_start : r_end + 1] P_r_first = P[r_start : r_end + 1] # write_coords("ref_r_first.pdb", Q_r_first) # write_coords("model_r_first.pdb", P_r_first) # Q_l_first = Q[l_start: l_end + 1] # P_l_first = P[l_start: l_end + 1] # write_coords("ref_l_first.pdb", Q_l_first) # write_coords("model_l_first.pdb", P_l_first) # move to the origin of the receptor Q = Q - centroid(Q_r_first) P = P - centroid(P_r_first) # get receptor coordinates Q_r = Q[r_start : r_end + 1] P_r = P[r_start : r_end + 1] # Center receptors and get rotation matrix # Q_r = Q_r - centroid(Q_r) # P_r = P_r - centroid(P_r) # write_coords("ref_r_centr.pdb", Q_r) # write_coords("model_r_centr.pdb", P_r) U_r = kabsch(P_r, Q_r) # Apply rotation to complex # - complex are now aligned by the receptor P =, U_r) # write_coords("ref.pdb", Q) # write_coords("model.pdb", P) # Identify ligand coordinates concatenating all the ligand chains Q_l = np.empty((0, 3)) P_l = np.empty((0, 3)) for l_start, l_end in zip(l_starts, l_ends): Q_l = np.concatenate((Q_l, Q[l_start : l_end + 1])) P_l = np.concatenate((P_l, P[l_start : l_end + 1])) # Q_l = Q[l_start: l_end + 1] # P_l = P[l_start: l_end + 1] # write_coords("ref_l.pdb", Q_l) # write_coords("model_l.pdb", P_l) # Calculate the RMSD of the ligands self.lrmsd = calc_rmsd(P_l, Q_l)
[docs] def calc_ilrmsd(self, cutoff: float = 10.0) -> None: """Calculate the Interface Ligand RMSD. Parameters ---------- cutoff : float The cutoff distance for the intermolecular contacts. """ # Identify interface ref_interface_resdic = self.identify_interface(self.reference, cutoff) # Load interface coordinates ref_int_coord_dic, _ = load_coords( self.reference, self.atoms, ref_interface_resdic ) try: mod_int_coord_dic, _ = load_coords( self.model, self.atoms, ref_interface_resdic, numbering_dic=self.model2ref_numbering, model2ref_chain_dict=self.model2ref_chain_dict, ) except ALIGNError as alignerror: log.warning(alignerror) return # write_coord_dic("ref.pdb", ref_int_coord_dic) # write_coord_dic("model.pdb", mod_int_coord_dic) # find atoms present in both interfaces Q_int = [] P_int = [] common_keys = ref_int_coord_dic.keys() & mod_int_coord_dic.keys() for k in sorted(common_keys): ref_xyz = ref_int_coord_dic[k] mod_xyz = mod_int_coord_dic[k] Q_int.append(ref_xyz) P_int.append(mod_xyz) Q_int = np.asarray(Q_int) P_int = np.asarray(P_int) # write_coords("ref.pdb", Q_int) # write_coords("model.pdb", P_int) chain_ranges: dict[Any, Any] = {} for i, segment in enumerate(sorted(common_keys)): chain, _, _ = segment if chain not in chain_ranges: chain_ranges[chain] = [] chain_ranges[chain].append(i) chain_ranges = make_range(chain_ranges) obs_chains = list(chain_ranges.keys()) # observed chains if len(obs_chains) < 2: log.warning("Not enough chains for calculating ilrmsd") else: r_chain, l_chains = check_chains(obs_chains, self.r_chain, self.l_chains) r_start, r_end = chain_ranges[r_chain] l_starts = [chain_ranges[l_chain][0] for l_chain in l_chains] l_ends = [chain_ranges[l_chain][1] for l_chain in l_chains] # write_coords("ref.pdb", Q) # write_coords("model.pdb", P) # put system at origin of the receptor interface Q_r_int = Q_int[r_start : r_end + 1] P_r_int = P_int[r_start : r_end + 1] Q_int = Q_int - centroid(Q_r_int) P_int = P_int - centroid(P_r_int) # put interfaces at the origin # find the rotation that minimizes the receptor interface rmsd Q_r_int = Q_int[r_start : r_end + 1] P_r_int = P_int[r_start : r_end + 1] U_int = kabsch(P_r_int, Q_r_int) P_int =, U_int) # just for checks. # the interface rmsd for the rec interface should be almost zero # Q_r_int = Q_int[r_start: r_end + 1] # P_r_int = P_int[r_start: r_end + 1] # r_rmsd = calc_rmsd(Q_r_int, P_int[r_start: r_end + 1]) # print(r_rmsd) # Identify ligand coordinates concatenating all the ligand chains Q_l_int = np.empty((0, 3)) P_l_int = np.empty((0, 3)) for l_start, l_end in zip(l_starts, l_ends): Q_l_int = np.concatenate((Q_l_int, Q_int[l_start : l_end + 1])) P_l_int = np.concatenate((P_l_int, P_int[l_start : l_end + 1])) # prior to multibody: # Q_l_int = Q_int[l_start: l_end + 1] # P_l_int = P_int[l_start: l_end + 1] # write_coords("ref_l_int_fin.pdb", Q_l_int) # write_coords("mod_l_int_fin.pdb", P_l_int) # # this will be the interface-ligand-rmsd self.ilrmsd = calc_rmsd(P_l_int, Q_l_int)
[docs] def calc_fnat(self, cutoff: float = 5.0) -> None: """Calculate the frequency of native contacts. Parameters ---------- cutoff : float The cutoff distance for the intermolecular contacts. """ ref_contacts = load_contacts(self.reference, cutoff) if len(ref_contacts) != 0: try: model_contacts = load_contacts( self.model, cutoff, numbering_dic=self.model2ref_numbering, # type: ignore model2ref_chain_dict=self.model2ref_chain_dict, # type: ignore ) except ALIGNError as alignerror: log.warning(alignerror) else: intersection = ref_contacts & model_contacts self.fnat = len(intersection) / float(len(ref_contacts)) else: log.warning("No reference contacts found")
[docs] def calc_global_rmsd(self) -> None: """Calculate the full structure RMSD.""" # Load reference atomic coordinates ref_coord_dic, _ = load_coords(self.reference, self.atoms) # Load model atomic coordinates try: model_coord_dic, _ = load_coords( self.model, self.atoms, numbering_dic=self.model2ref_numbering, model2ref_chain_dict=self.model2ref_chain_dict, ) except ALIGNError as alignerror: log.warning(alignerror) return # Obtain list of coordinates Q = [] P = [] for k in ref_coord_dic.keys() & model_coord_dic.keys(): ref_xyz = ref_coord_dic[k] mod_xyz = model_coord_dic[k] Q.append(ref_xyz) P.append(mod_xyz) # Cast indo array Q = np.asarray(Q) P = np.asarray(P) # Center to 0 Q = Q - centroid(Q) P = P - centroid(P) # Obtain rotation matrix U = kabsch(P, Q) # Rotate model (the actual superimposition) P =, U) # Compute full RMSD self.rmsd = calc_rmsd(P, Q)
[docs] def calc_dockq(self) -> None: """Calculate the DockQ metric.""" self.dockq = 0.0 if self.fnat: self.dockq += float(self.fnat) / 3 if self.irmsd: irmsd_denom = 1 + (self.irmsd / 1.5) * (self.irmsd / 1.5) self.dockq += (1 / irmsd_denom) / 3 if self.lrmsd: lrmsd_denom = 1 + (self.lrmsd / 8.5) * (self.lrmsd / 8.5) self.dockq += (1 / lrmsd_denom) / 3
[docs] def has_cluster_info(self) -> bool: """ Check wether this object contains cluster information. Returns ------- bool True if this object contains cluster information. """ has_cluster_info = False if self.model.clt_id: has_cluster_info = True return has_cluster_info
[docs] def run(self) -> Union[None, "CAPRI"]: """Get the CAPRI metrics.""" try: align_func = get_align( method=self.params["alignment_method"], lovoalign_exec=self.params["lovoalign_exec"], ) self.model2ref_numbering, self.model2ref_chain_dict = align_func( self.reference, self.model, self.path ) except ALIGNError: log.warning( f"Alignment failed between {self.reference} " f"and {self.model}, skipping..." ) return # print(f"model2ref_numbering {self.model2ref_numbering}") # print(f"model2ref_chain_dict {self.model2ref_chain_dict}") if self.params["fnat"]: fnat_cutoff = self.params["fnat_cutoff"] self.calc_fnat(cutoff=fnat_cutoff) if self.params["irmsd"]: irmsd_cutoff = self.params["irmsd_cutoff"] self.calc_irmsd(cutoff=irmsd_cutoff) if self.params["lrmsd"]: self.calc_lrmsd() if self.params["ilrmsd"]: ilrmsd_cutoff = self.params["irmsd_cutoff"] self.calc_ilrmsd(cutoff=ilrmsd_cutoff) if self.params["dockq"]: self.calc_dockq() if self.params["global_rmsd"]: self.calc_global_rmsd() # The scheduler will use the return of the `run` method as the output of the tasks return copy.deepcopy(self)
def __eq__(self, other): if self.params["dockq"] and \ not (isnan(self.dockq) or isnan(other.dockq)): return self.dockq == other.dockq elif self.params["fnat"] and \ not (isnan(self.fnat) or isnan(other.fnat)): return self.fnat == other.fnat elif self.params["ilrmsd"] and \ not (isnan(self.ilrmsd) or isnan(other.ilrmsd)): return self.ilrmsd == other.ilrmsd elif self.params["lrmsd"] and \ not (isnan(self.lrmsd) or isnan(other.lrmsd)): return self.lrmsd == other.lrmsd elif self.params["irmsd"] and \ not (isnan(self.irmsd) or isnan(other.irmsd)): return self.irmsd == other.irmsd elif self.params["global_rmsd"] and \ not (isnan(self.rmsd) or isnan(other.rmsd)): return self.rmsd == other.rmsd return True def __lt__(self, other): if self.params["dockq"] and \ not (isnan(self.dockq) or isnan(other.dockq)): return self.dockq > other.dockq elif self.params["fnat"] and \ not (isnan(self.fnat) or isnan(other.fnat)): return self.fnat > other.fnat elif self.params["ilrmsd"] and \ not (isnan(self.ilrmsd) or isnan(other.ilrmsd)): return self.ilrmsd < other.ilrmsd elif self.params["lrmsd"] and \ not (isnan(self.lrmsd) or isnan(other.lrmsd)): return self.lrmsd < other.lrmsd elif self.params["irmsd"] and \ not (isnan(self.irmsd) or isnan(other.irmsd)): return self.irmsd < other.irmsd elif self.params["global_rmsd"] and \ not (isnan(self.rmsd) or isnan(other.rmsd)): return self.rmsd < other.rmsd return False @staticmethod def _load_atoms( model: PDBPath, reference: PDBPath, full: bool = False, ) -> AtomsDict: """ Load atoms from a model and reference. Parameters ---------- model : PosixPath or :py:class:`haddock.libs.libontology.PDBFile` PDB file of the model to have its atoms identified reference : PosixPath or :py:class:`haddock.libs.libontology.PDBFile` PDB file of the model to have its atoms identified full : bool If False, only backbone atoms will be retrieved, otherwise all atoms Returns ------- atom_dic : dict Dictionary containing atoms observed in model and reference """ model_atoms = get_atoms(model, full=full) reference_atoms = get_atoms(reference, full=full) atoms_dict: AtomsDict = {} atoms_dict.update(model_atoms) atoms_dict.update(reference_atoms) return atoms_dict
[docs] @staticmethod def identify_interface( pdb_f: PDBPath, cutoff: float = 5.0, ) -> dict[str, list[int]]: """Identify the interface. Parameters ---------- pdb_f : PosixPath or :py:class:`haddock.libs.libontology.PDBFile` PDB file of the model to have its atoms identified cutoff : float, optional Cutoff distance for the interface identification. Returns ------- interface_resdic : dict[str, list[int]] Dictionary holding list of interface residues ids for each chains. """ if isinstance(pdb_f, PDBFile): pdb_f = pdb_f.rel_path interface_resdic: dict[str, list[int]] = {} contacts = load_contacts(pdb_f, cutoff) for contact in contacts: first_chain, first_resid, sec_chain, sec_resid = contact if first_chain not in interface_resdic: interface_resdic[first_chain] = [] if sec_chain not in interface_resdic: interface_resdic[sec_chain] = [] if first_resid not in interface_resdic[first_chain]: interface_resdic[first_chain].append(first_resid) if sec_resid not in interface_resdic[sec_chain]: interface_resdic[sec_chain].append(sec_resid) return interface_resdic
[docs] @staticmethod def add_chain_from_segid(pdb_path: PDBPath) -> Path: """ Replace the chainID with the segID. Parameters ---------- pdb_path : PosixPath or :py:class:`haddock.libs.libontology.PDBFile` PDB file to be replaced """ if isinstance(pdb_path, PDBFile): pdb_path = pdb_path.rel_path temp_f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, mode="w+t") with open(pdb_path) as fh: for line in list( temp_f.writelines(line) temp_f.close() # REPLACE! new_pdb_path = shutil.move(, pdb_path) return new_pdb_path
[docs] def rank_according_to_score( data: dict[int, ParamDict], sort_key: str, sort_ascending: bool ) -> dict[int, ParamDict]: """ Ranks a dictionary of data based on a specified sort key and sort order, and assigns a rank to each entry based on its 'score' attribute. Args: data (dict[int, ParamDict]): Dictionary where each key is an index and each value is a ParamDict containing data attributes. sort_key (str): Key by which to sort the data within the ParamDict. Must correspond to a valid attribute in ParamDict. sort_ascending (bool): If True, sorts the data in ascending order based on the sort_key; if False, sorts in descending order. Returns: dict[int, ParamDict]: A new dictionary where entries are sorted according to the sort_key and optionally sorted order. Each entry also includes a 'caprieval_rank' attribute indicating its rank based on the 'score'. """ score_rankkey_values = [(k, v["score"]) for k, v in data.items()] score_rankkey_values.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) for i, k in enumerate(score_rankkey_values): data_idx, _ = k data[data_idx]["caprieval_rank"] = i + 1 # Sort according to the sort key rankkey_values = [(k, v[sort_key]) for k, v in data.items()] rankkey_values.sort( key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True if not sort_ascending else False, ) _data = {} for i, (data_idx, _) in enumerate(rankkey_values): _data[i + 1] = data[data_idx] data = _data return _data
[docs] def extract_models_best_references(capri_objects: list[CAPRI]) -> list[CAPRI]: """Extract best reference for each input model. Same input models are combined and best reference is later found by sorting the CAPRI objects. Only the best performing CAPRI object is kept and returned. This step was implemented to handle comparisons against multiple refs. Parameters ---------- capri_objects : list[CAPRI] List of CAPRI object. Returns ------- selected_capri_objects : list[CAPRI] List of selected best CAPIR object for each model. """ # Group results by models by_model_data: dict[int, dict[Path, CAPRI]] = {} for capri in capri_objects: model_data = by_model_data.setdefault(capri.identificator, []) model_data.append(capri) # Finds best performances for each model selected_capri_objects: list[CAPRI] = [] # Loop over model referneces performances for references_perfs in by_model_data.values(): # Sort them using built in __eq__ and __lt__ CAPRI methods sorted_perfs = sorted(references_perfs) # Select first on (best) best_perf = sorted_perfs[0] # Hold that guy selected_capri_objects.append(best_perf) return selected_capri_objects
[docs] def extract_data_from_capri_class( capri_objects: list[CAPRI], sort_key: str, sort_ascending: bool, output_fname: Path, add_reference_id: bool = False, ) -> Union[dict[int, ParamDict], None]: """Extracts data attributes from a list of CAPRI objects into a structured dictionary, optionally sorts the data based on a specified key, and writes the sorted data to a file. Parameters ---------- capri_objects : list[CAPRI] List of CAPRI objects containing data attributes to be extracted. sort_key : str Key by which to sort the extracted data. Must correspond to a valid attribute in the CAPRI object (e.g., 'score', 'irmsd'). sort_ascending : bool If True, sorts the data in ascending order based on the sort_key; if False, sorts in descending order. output_fname : Path Path to the output file where the sorted data will be written. add_reference_id : bool, optional Should the reference id be added to the capri table?, by default False Returns ------- ranked_data : Union[dict[int, ParamDict], None] The sorted and structured data dictionary if successful, None if no data was processed. """ # Retrieve data for each model data: dict[int, ParamDict] = {} for i, c in enumerate(capri_objects, start=1): data[i] = { "model": c.model, "md5": c.md5, "caprieval_rank": None, "score": c.score, "irmsd": c.irmsd, "fnat": c.fnat, "lrmsd": c.lrmsd, "ilrmsd": c.ilrmsd, "dockq": c.dockq, "rmsd": c.rmsd, "cluster_id": c.model.clt_id if c.model.clt_id else None, "cluster_ranking": c.model.clt_rank if c.model.clt_rank else None, "model-cluster_ranking": ( c.model.clt_model_rank if c.model.clt_model_rank else None ), } if c.model.unw_energies is not None: data[i].update(c.model.unw_energies) if add_reference_id: data[i]["ref_id"] = c.ref_id # Sort models ranked_data = rank_according_to_score( data, sort_key=sort_key, sort_ascending=sort_ascending ) if not ranked_data: # This means no files have been collected return else: write_nested_dic_to_file(data_dict=ranked_data, output_fname=output_fname) return ranked_data
[docs] def calc_stats(data: list) -> tuple[float, float]: """ Calculate the mean and stdev. Parameters ---------- data : list List of values. Returns ------- mean : float Mean of the values. stdev : float Standard deviation of the values. """ mean = np.mean(data) stdev = np.std(data) return mean, stdev
# Define dict types CltData = dict[tuple[Optional[int], Union[int, str, None]], list[tuple[CAPRI, PDBFile]]]
[docs] def capri_cluster_analysis( capri_list: Iterable[CAPRI], model_list: Iterable[PDBFile], output_fname: FilePath, clt_threshold: int, sort_key: str, sort_ascending: bool, path: FilePath, ) -> None: """Consider the cluster results for the CAPRI evaluation.""" capri_keys = ["irmsd", "fnat", "lrmsd", "dockq", "ilrmsd", "rmsd"] model_keys = ["air", "bsa", "desolv", "elec", "total", "vdw"]"Rearranging cluster information into {output_fname}") # get the cluster data clt_data: CltData = dict(((m.clt_rank, m.clt_id), []) for m in model_list) # add models to each cluster for capri, model in zip(capri_list, model_list): clt_data[(model.clt_rank, model.clt_id)].append((capri, model)) output_dic: dict[int, ParamDict] = {} for i, element in enumerate(clt_data): data: ParamDict = {} number_of_models_in_cluster = len(clt_data[element]) # rank, cluster id, number of models in cluster data["cluster_rank"] = element[0] data["cluster_id"] = element[1] data["n"] = number_of_models_in_cluster if number_of_models_in_cluster < clt_threshold: # under-evaluated, the mean was divided by a value # larger than the total number of models in the cluster data["under_eval"] = "yes" else: data["under_eval"] = "-" # score try: score_array = [e[1].score for e in clt_data[element][:clt_threshold]] data["score"], data["score_std"] = calc_stats(score_array) except KeyError: data["score"] = float("nan") data["score_std"] = float("nan") # capri keys for key in capri_keys: std_key = f"{key}_std" try: key_array = [vars(e[0])[key] for e in clt_data[element][:clt_threshold]] data[key], data[std_key] = calc_stats(key_array) except KeyError: data[key] = float("nan") data[std_key] = float("nan") # model keys for key in model_keys: std_key = f"{key}_std" if clt_data[element][0][1].unw_energies: try: key_array = [ vars(e[1])["unw_energies"][key] for e in clt_data[element][:clt_threshold] ] data[key], data[std_key] = calc_stats(key_array) except KeyError: data[key] = float("nan") data[std_key] = float("nan") output_dic[i] = data # Rank according to the score score_rankkey_values = [(key, v["score"]) for key, v in output_dic.items()] score_rankkey_values.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) for i, k in enumerate(score_rankkey_values): idx, _ = k output_dic[idx]["caprieval_rank"] = i + 1 # Rank according to the sorting key rankkey_values = [(key, v[sort_key]) for key, v in output_dic.items()] rankkey_values.sort( key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True if not sort_ascending else False, ) _output_dic = {} for i, k in enumerate(rankkey_values): idx, _ = k _output_dic[i + 1] = output_dic[idx] output_dic = _output_dic output_fname = Path(path, output_fname) info_header = "#" * 40 + os.linesep info_header += "# `caprieval` cluster-based analysis" + os.linesep info_header += "#" + os.linesep info_header += f"# > sortby_key={sort_key}" + os.linesep info_header += f"# > sort_ascending={sort_ascending}" + os.linesep info_header += f"# > clt_threshold={clt_threshold}" + os.linesep info_header += "#" + os.linesep info_header += ( "# NOTE: if under_eval=yes, it means that there were less models in" " a cluster than" + os.linesep ) info_header += ( "# clt_threshold, thus these values were under " "evaluated." + os.linesep ) info_header += ( "# You might need to tweak the value of clt_threshold or change" " some parameters" + os.linesep ) info_header += "# in `clustfcc` depending on your " "analysis." + os.linesep info_header += "#" + os.linesep info_header += "#" * 40 if not data: # This means there were only "dummy" values return else: write_nested_dic_to_file( output_dic, output_fname, info_header=info_header, )
[docs] class CAPRIError(Exception): """Raised when something goes wrong with the CAPRI class.""" def __init__(self, msg: str = "") -> None: self.msg = msg super().__init__(self.msg)
[docs] def dump_weights(order: int) -> None: sel_steps = get_module_steps_folders(Path("..")) cns_step = get_previous_cns_step(sel_steps=sel_steps, st_order=order) if cns_step:"Found previous CNS step: {cns_step}") scoring_params_fname = save_scoring_weights(cns_step)"Saved scoring weights to: {scoring_params_fname}") else:"No previous CNS step found. Cannot save scoring weights.")
# # debug only # def write_coord_dic(output_name, coord_dic): # """Add a dummy atom to a PDB file according to a list of coordinates.""" # with open(output_name, "w") as fh: # for i, k in enumerate(coord_dic): # atom_num = f"{i+1}".rjust(4, " ") # chain, resnum, atom = k # resnum = int(resnum) # resnum = f"{resnum}".rjust(3, " ") # atom_name = f"{atom}".rjust(3, " ") # x, y, z = coord_dic[k] # dum_x = f"{x:.3f}".rjust(7, " ") # dum_y = f"{y:.3f}".rjust(7, " ") # dum_z = f"{z:.3f}".rjust(7, " ") # dummy_line = ( # f"ATOM {atom_num} {atom_name} DUM {chain} {resnum} " # f" {dum_x} {dum_y} {dum_z} 1.00 1.00 " # " H " + os.linesep # ) # fh.write(dummy_line) # # debug only # def write_coords(output_name, coor_list): # """Add a dummy atom to a PDB file according to a list of coordinates.""" # with open(output_name, "w") as fh: # for i, dummy_coord in enumerate(coor_list): # atom_num = f"{i}".rjust(4, " ") # resnum = f"{i}".rjust(3, " ") # dum_x = f"{dummy_coord[0]:.3f}".rjust(7, " ") # dum_y = f"{dummy_coord[1]:.3f}".rjust(7, " ") # dum_z = f"{dummy_coord[2]:.3f}".rjust(7, " ") # dummy_line = ( # f"ATOM {atom_num} H DUM X {resnum} " # f" {dum_x} {dum_y} {dum_z} 1.00 1.00 " # " H " + os.linesep # ) # fh.write(dummy_line) # # debug only # def write_pymol_viz(resdic): # """Write PyMol vizualitation.""" # for k in resdic: # reslist = "+".join(map(str, resdic[k])) # cmd = f"sele {k}, chain {k} and resid {reslist}" # print(cmd)