haddock.modules package
Module contents
HADDOCK3 modules.
- class haddock.modules.BaseHaddockModule(order: int, path: Path, params_fname: str | Path)[source]
HADDOCK3 module’s base class.
- abstract classmethod confirm_installation() None [source]
Confirm the third-party software needed for the module is installed.
HADDOCK3’s own modules should just return.
- export_io_models(faulty_tolerance: float = 0.0) None [source]
Export input/output to the ModuleIO interface.
- Modules that do not perform any operation on PDB files should have
input = output.
This function implements a common interface for all modules.
- Parameters:
faulty_tolerance (int, default 0) – The percentage of missing output allowed. If 20 is given, raises an error if 20% of the expected output is missing (not saved to disk).
- log(msg: str, level: str = 'info') None [source]
Log a message with a common header.
Currently the header is the [MODULE NAME] in square brackets.
- Parameters:
msg (str) – The log message.
level (str) – The level log: ‘debug’, ‘info’, … Defaults to ‘info’.
- update_params(update_from_cfg_file: str | Path | None = None, **params: Any) None [source]
Update the modules parameters.
Add/update to the current modules parameters the ones given in the function call. If you want to enterily replace the modules parameters to their default values use the reset_params() method.
Update takes places recursively, that is, nested dictionaries will be updated accordingly.
To update the current config with the parameters defined in an HADDOCK3 configuration file use the update_from_cfg_file parameter.
To update from a JSON file, first load the JSON into a dictionary and unpack the dictionary to the function call.
>>> m.update_params(param1=value1, param2=value2)
>>> m.update_params(**param_dict)
>>> m.update_params(update_from_cfg_file=path_to_file)
# if you wish to start from scratch >>> m.reset_params() >>> m.update_params(…)
- haddock.modules.get_engine(mode: str, params: dict[Any, Any]) partial[HPCScheduler | Scheduler | MPIScheduler] [source]
Create an engine to run the jobs.
- Parameters:
mode (str) – The type of engine to create
params (dict) – A dictionary containing parameters for the engine. get_engine will retrieve from params only those parameters needed and ignore the others.
- haddock.modules.get_module_steps_folders(folder: str | Path, modules: Container[int] | None = None) list[str] [source]
Return a sorted list of the step folders in a running directory.
Consider the folder structure:
- run_dir/
0_topoaa/ 1_rigidbody/ 2_caprieval/ 3_bad_module_name/ data/
>>> get_module_steps_folders("run_dir") >>> ["0_topoaa", "1_rigidbody", "2_caprieval"]
- Parameters:
folder (str or Path) – Path to the run directory, or to the folder containing the step folders.
- Returns:
list of str – List containing strings with the names of the step folders.
- haddock.modules.is_step_folder(path: str | Path) bool [source]
Assess whether a folder is a possible step folder.
The folder is considered a step folder if has a zero or positive integer index followed by a name of a module.
- Parameters:
path (str or pathlib.Path) – The path to the folder.
- Returns:
bool – Whether the folder is a step folder or not.
- haddock.modules.modules_category = {'alascan': 'analysis', 'caprieval': 'analysis', 'clustfcc': 'analysis', 'clustrmsd': 'analysis', 'contactmap': 'analysis', 'emref': 'refinement', 'emscoring': 'scoring', 'exit': 'extras', 'flexref': 'refinement', 'gdock': 'sampling', 'ilrmsdmatrix': 'analysis', 'lightdock': 'sampling', 'mdref': 'refinement', 'mdscoring': 'scoring', 'openmm': 'refinement', 'rigidbody': 'sampling', 'rmsdmatrix': 'analysis', 'sasascore': 'scoring', 'seletop': 'analysis', 'seletopclusts': 'analysis', 'topoaa': 'topology', 'topocg': 'topology'}
Indexes each module in its specific category. Keys are Paths to the module, values are their categories. Categories are the modules parent folders.
- haddock.modules.step_folder_regex = '([0-9]+_topocg|[0-9]+_topoaa|[0-9]+_emscoring|[0-9]+_mdscoring|[0-9]+_sasascore|[0-9]+_clustrmsd|[0-9]+_ilrmsdmatrix|[0-9]+_seletop|[0-9]+_alascan|[0-9]+_contactmap|[0-9]+_caprieval|[0-9]+_clustfcc|[0-9]+_rmsdmatrix|[0-9]+_seletopclusts|[0-9]+_flexref|[0-9]+_mdref|[0-9]+_openmm|[0-9]+_emref|[0-9]+_exit|[0-9]+_rigidbody|[0-9]+_gdock|[0-9]+_lightdock)'
String for regular expression to match module folders in a run directory.
It will match folders with a numeric prefix followed by underscore (“_”) followed by the name of a module.
Example: https://regex101.com/r/roHls9/1
- haddock.modules.step_folder_regex_re = re.compile('([0-9]+_topocg|[0-9]+_topoaa|[0-9]+_emscoring|[0-9]+_mdscoring|[0-9]+_sasascore|[0-9]+_clustrmsd|[0-9]+_ilrmsdmatrix|[0-9]+_seletop|[0-9]+_alascan|[0-9]+_contactmap|[0-9]+_caprieval|[0-9]+_clustfcc|[)
Compiled regular expression from
.It will match folders with a numeric prefix followed by underscore (“_”) followed by the name of a module.
Example: https://regex101.com/r/roHls9/1