CAPRI Evaluation module
Module contents
Calculate CAPRI metrics for the input models.
By default the following metrics are calculated:
- FNAT (fraction of native contacts), namely the fraction of
intermolecular contacts in the docked complex that are also present in the reference complex.
- IRMSD (interface root mean square deviation), namely the RMSD
of the interface of the docked complex with respect to the reference complex.
- LRMSD (ligand root mean square deviation), namely the RMSD of the
ligand of the docked complex with respect to the reference complex upon superposition of the receptor.
- DOCKQ, a measure of the quality of the docked model obtained
by combining FNAT, IRMSD and LRMSD (see Basu and Wallner 2016, 11 (8), e0161879).
- ILRMSD (interface ligand root mean square deviation), the RMSD of the
ligand of the docked complex with respect to the reference complex upon superposition of the interface of the receptor.
GLOBAL_RMSD, the full RMSD between the reference and the model.
The following files are generated:
capri_ss.tsv: a table with the CAPRI metrics for each model.
capri_clt.tsv: a table with the CAPRI metrics for each cluster of models (if clustering information is available).
- class haddock.modules.analysis.caprieval.HaddockModule(order: int, path: Path, init_params: str | Path = PosixPath('/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.15/x64/lib/python3.10/site-packages/haddock/modules/analysis/caprieval/defaults.yaml'))[source]
HADDOCK3 module to calculate the CAPRI metrics.