Exit module

Module contents

Exit module

Stop the workflow when this module is reached. This allows users to execute only a certain initial part of the workflow without having to comment/uncomment the unwanted lines.


Consider the following config file example:



[exit]  # <- workflow will stop here


The workflow will stop at [exit] and [flexref] will not be performed.

You can also use this option combined with --restart and --extend-run. See examples in examples/docking-protein-protein/*-exit-test.cfg files.

class haddock.modules.extras.exit.HaddockModule(order: int, path: Path, *ignore: Any, init_params: str | Path = PosixPath('/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.16/x64/lib/python3.10/site-packages/haddock/modules/extras/exit/defaults.yaml'), **everything: Any)[source]

Bases: BaseHaddockModule

Stop the workflow when this module is reached.

classmethod confirm_installation() None[source]

Confirm if contact executable is compiled.

name: str = 'exit'

Default Parameters



default: ‘Stopping the workflow.’
type: string
title: Exiting message.
short description: The message to print when exiting.
long description: The message to print when exiting.
group: execution
explevel: easy