Rigid body docking sampling module
Module contents
Rigid-body docking sampling module
This module does a randomization of orientations and rigid-body
minimization. It corresponds to the classical it0
step in the HADDOCK2.x
In this module, the interacting partners are treated as rigid bodies, meaning that all geometrical parameters such as bond lengths, bond angles, and dihedral angles are frozen. The partners are first separated in space and randomly rotated around their respective centres of mass. Afterwards, the molecules are brought together by rigid-body energy minimisation with rotations and translation as the only degrees of freedom.
The driving force for this energy minimisation is the energy function, which consists of the intermolecular van der Waals and electrostatic energy terms and the restraints defined to guide the docking. The restraints are distance-based and can consist of unambiguous or ambiguous interactions restraints (AIRS). In ab-initio docking mode those restraints can be automatically defined in various ways; e.g. between center of masses (CM restraints) or between randomly selected patches on the surface (random AIRs).
The definition of those restraints is particularly important as they effectively guide the minimisation process. For example, with a stringent set of AIRs or unambiguous distance restraints, the solutions of the minimisation will converge much better and the sampling can be limited. In ab-initio mode, however, very diverse solutions will be obtained and the sampling should be increased to make sure to sample enough the possible interaction space.
- class haddock.modules.sampling.rigidbody.HaddockModule(order: int, path: Path, initial_params: str | Path = PosixPath('/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.16/x64/lib/python3.10/site-packages/haddock/modules/sampling/rigidbody/defaults.yaml'))[source]
HADDOCK3 module for rigid body sampling.
- make_cns_jobs(inp_list: Sequence[tuple[list[PDBFile], Path | str, str | None, int]]) list[CNSJob] [source]