Two postdoc positions in computational structural biology
Join our international team and contribute to the development of HADDOCK, our integrative modelling software, as part of an exciting EU-India research collab...
Join our international team and contribute to the development of HADDOCK, our integrative modelling software, as part of an exciting EU-India research collab...
Registration open for the 2025 version of our EMBO practical course on integrative modelling of biomolecular complexes.
We are organising a HADDOCK integrative modelling workshop at Academia Sinica in Taipei as a satellite event of the International Symposium on Grid and Cloud...
In the context of a SURF Open Innovation Lab collaboration for deep learning enhanced HPC applications, the consortium of several universities (WUR, Radboud,...
Membrane proteins are among the most challenging systems to study with experimental techniques in the structural biology field. The increasing number of depo...
At the occasion of the EOSC-Hub week conference that took place online (May 18-20, 2020), Alexandre Bonvin gave during closing plenary session an interview a...
HADDOCK screen of 2000 approved drugs for COVID-19
HADDOCK (High Ambiguity Driven protein-protein DOCKing) is an integrative platform developed at Utrecht University for the modelling of biomolecular complexe...
A fresh PhD graduate from the group - Panos Koukos
Our review on Integrative Modelling of Biomolecular Complexes is out
Registration open for the 2020 version of our EMBO practical course on integrative modelling of biomolecular complexes.
Nice developer's tale story about HADDOCK on SBGrid
A new enhanced sampling protocol helps opening binding pocket for better docking resuls
A fresh PhD graduate from the group - Cunliang Geng
Read the new HADDOCK-related EGI research story about brain tumor resarch
Alexandre Bonvin explains how the WeNMR community builds on EOSC principles to support 12,000 structural biology researchers worldwide
Using an adapted protocol the HADDOCK team performed among the best in D3R grand challenge 3.
The HADDOCK server passed the cap of 200000 docking runs served since June 2008
Discover the upcoming new HADDOCK2.4 web portal
The BioExcel summerschool on biomolecular simulations methods will take place in June on Sardinia
HADDOCK has reached a new milestone with 10K registered users
HADDOCK integrative modelling platform extended to 20 molecules
High Accuracy Identification of Protein-Protein Interface Hot-Spots with our SpotOn web server
Next to >9500 webserver users, HADDOCK now counts over 1200 local installations
HADDOCK went Middle-East for a two days workshop at KAUST
Check out the new promotial video for the BioExcel Centre of Excellence for Computational Biomolecular Research
EGI-MoBrain collaboration - a renewed service level agreement for better research
Our GROMACS in the cloud poster win the poster prize at ISGC2017
HADDOCK the best docking program in the world - it's true!
Welcome to our new group member Jorge Roel
Read the first newsletter of the BioExcel interest group on integrative modelling
eScience grant on deep learning for scoring biomolecular complexes
Check out the research story published on the EGI web site about modelling bacterial iron piracy from plant proteins. It describes among other how the HADDOC...
Discovering proteins in virtual reality
Congratulation for Marijne Schijns for her poster prize
Welcome to our new group member Leander!
Labday out for the NMR group - games and cooking!
Welcome to our new group member Nevia!
Announcing the Netherlands Society on Biomolecular Modelling fall meeting - Utrecht November 16th
PowerFit fits your 3D structures in any map
Welcome to our new group member Kasey!
Visualize your accessible interaction space with the DISVIS server
A very successful EMBO practical course on Integrative Modelling of Biomolecular Interactions"
Congratulations to Zeynep for her doctoral dissertation award from Bogazici University
We are continuously promoting HADDOCK in workshop. Three tutorials were recently given.
Webinar about HADDOCK and the differences between the server and a local version"
First BioExcel Webinar on integrative modelling using HADDOCK
Mikael Trellet - our new post-doc in the CSB group
First edition of the School on Molecular Modeling for Life Sciences, Sardinia, June 2016
EGI-MoBrain collaboration - a service level agreement for better research
Adrien Melquiond returns to the CSB group
Our moleculer modelling computer practical for 2nd year chemistry bachelor students published in BAMBE
Welcome to our new group member Joerg Schaarschmidt
H2020 BioExcel center of excellence project started with UU partner
Fresh doctor's title for Gydo
NMR, its applications and the Dutch uNMR-NL facility
Integrative modelling of biomolecular interactions - Barcelona 2016
Advanced methods for the integration of diverse structural data with NMR data
Check our contribution to the PDB structures
Listen to the SGBRID webinar by Alexandre Bonvin describing the HADDOCK webserver and a local install of the software
A simple, contact-based predictor of binding affinity for protein-protein complexes published in eLife
Issue 12 of the Dutch Royal Society of Chemistry biweekly magazine (C2W) reports on our reseach about protein-protein interactions
Inge Clemens who did her final year research project in the CSB group wins the 1st price
SURFSara's annual report 2014 hightlights protein research with grid computing
The Baldus and Bonvin labs get a 2 million euros TOP-PUNT grant
An interview with João from the CBS group about his working environment
H2020 e-Infrastructure VRE project "West-Life" and Center of Excellent project "BioExcel" funded
HADDOCK now supports docking from cryo-EM data
Help us improve our software - fill our online survey!
The CSB group now hosts a WeNMR Life Science Grid cluster managed by SURFSara
Jeff Grinstead as visiting professor from the University of Pugetsound (WA, USA)
Version 2.2 of the HADDOCK software and its web server released!
Prof. Alan Mark will visit the group on March 30/31
Dr. Irina Moreira from Porto University got a Marie Curie fellowship to join the CSB lab
Positive quote from a satisfied HADDOCK user
Top performance of HADDOCK in the joint CASP/CAPRI prediction round!
Anna Vangone receives a H2020 Marie Curie fellowship!
iNEXT H2020 infrastructure project funded - 10 million for structural biology in Europe!
Utrecht participates to the newly funded EGI-Engage project under the H2020 e-Infrastructure programme.
A large international EU consortium gets funded under the H2020 eInfrastructure programme to develop CLOUD eScience solutions.
Gordon Conference on Biomolecular Aspects of Biomolecular NMR - June 2015
Worldwide distribution of registered HADDOCK server users
Joao Rodrigues successfully defended his PhD thesis
Poster prize for Gydo van Zundert at the fall 2014 NSBM meeting
Handcrafted with wood: The first HADDOCK model, well... half of it!
We welcome Dr. Li Xue who got a NWO VENI grant
Lecture Chemistry Nobel Prize laureate Michael Levitt - Utrecht, December 11th
HADDOCKing with co-evolution restraints: collaboration with Harvard University @eLife
Alexandre talks to the Desktop Grid Federation about the social life of molecules.