We are glad to announce the release of our DISVIS web server.
DisVis allows you to visualizes and quantify the information content of distance restraints between macromolecular complexes. It performs a full and systematic 6 dimensional search of the three translational and rotational degrees of freedom to determine the number of complexes consistent with the restraints. In addition, it outputs the percentage of restraints being violated and a density that represents the center-of-mass position of the scanning chain corresponding to the highest number of consistent restraints at every position in space.
DISVIS is also freely available for local installation through our GitHub repository: https://github.com/haddocking/disvis
The DISVIS web server is powered by the EGI (www.egi.eu) grid resources.

Its development was made possible with support from various grants:
- Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), ECHO grant no.711.011.009
- European H2020 e-Infrastructure grant, EGI-Engage, grant no. 654142
- European H2020 e-Infrastructure grant, INDIGO-DataCloud, grant no. 653549
- European H2020 e-Infrastructure grant, West-Life VRE, grant no. 675858
- European H2020 e-Infrastructure grant, BioExcel, grant no. 675728