Inge Clemens, a final year high school (VWO) student from the Rythovius College who did her research project (“profielwerkstuk”) in our lab investigating the potential of HADDOCK for fragment-based drug design by docking, has won the price for the best research project entitled:
Fragment Based Drug Design in HADDOCK with the neuraminidase protein of the influenza virus.

She wrote an excellent report that was given the top grade and was nominated for the best research report price of the OMO school organization (Vereniging Ons Middelbaar Onderwijs). We thank Hans Wouters, the chemistry teacher at the Rythovius College supervising Inge, for bringing us such a bright student!
The winner (Inge, who received 1200.- euros!) was announced on June 5th in a ceremony at the headquarters of OMO in Tilburg.
Read more about it in a news item from the Rythovius College (in Dutch).

Congratulations Inge for this great work! We hope to see you the coming years in Utrecht.