Netherlands Society on Biomolecular Modelling fall meeting##
The Netherlands Society on Biomolecular Modelling (NSBM) is an independent society that brings people together in The Netherlands that work on three dimensional structures of biomolecules and biomolecular simulations. The NSBM cordially invites you to attend its 2016 fall meeting in Utrecht.
Location and dates
- Date: November 16th, 2016, 10:00-17:00
- Location: Boothzaal, University Library De Uithof, Heidelberglaan 3, 3584 CS Utrecht
- Registration deadline to be considered for a short talk: November 4th
- Registration deadline (including lunch): November 9th
Application procedure:
- Participants should send an email to register (required but free registration) to:
- Submission of an abstract is required if you want to present a poster.
- Indicate in your email if you want be selected for a short oral presentation.
Note: The maximum number of participants is limited to 75! So do register on time.
Lead contact
- Prof. Dr. Alexandre M.J.J. Bonvin –
Preliminary Programme - Wednesday November 16th
- 09:30-10:00 Arrival and coffee
- 10:00-10:10 Welcome word
- 10:10-11:00 Keynote I
- Prof. Matteo Dal Peraro, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Exploring protein-membrane interplay with molecular simulations
- 11:00-11:20 Short talk
- Jeaphianne P. M. van Rijn, MPI Muelheim
- QM/MM Study of the Taxadiene Synthase Mechanism
- 11:20-11:40 Short talk
- Dr. Kanin Wichapong, Masstricht University
- A Generic Method for the Accurate and Rapid Prediction of Molecular Interactions in In Silico Structure-Based Drug Design
- 11:40-12:10 Lecture
- Linda Kaldenberg, Merus B.V. Utrecht
- Application of HADDOCK in bispecific IgG drug design
- 12:10-12:30 Lecture
- Dr. Mikael Trellet, Utrecht University
- BioExcel - Integrative modelling goes HPC/HTC
- 12:30-14:00 Lunch and poster session
- 14:00-14:50 Keynote II:
- Prof. Friedrich Foerster, Utrecht University.
- Structural biology in situ using cryo-electron tomography and subtomogram analysis
- 14:50-15:10 Short talk
- Dr. Panagiotis L. Kastritis, EMBL Heidelberg
- Structural and computational biology of cellular homogenates
- 15:10-15:30 Short talk
- Dr. Tobias A. Knoch, Erasmus MC
- A Systems Genomic Approach Combining Simulations and Experiments Reveals the Detailed 3D Multi-Loop Aggregate/Rosette Chromatin Architecture and Functional Dynamic Organization of Genomes
- 15:30-16:00 Coffee break
- 16:00-16:50 Keynote III:
- Dr. Paul Bates, Crick Institute, London, UK
- Developing simple biophysical models to emulate chromosome condensation
- 16:50 Closure
Attendence if free of charge but registration is required.
Lunch and coffee will be provided thanks to the support of the Utrecht Bioinformatics Center and the H2020 EU BioExcel Center of Excellence.