Last week (July 4-9, 2016), the EMBO practical course on Integrative Modelling of Biomolecular Interactions took place in Barcelona. The course, co-organized by Alexandre Bonvin, João Rodrigues and Juan Fernandez-Recio was followed by 24 enthusiastic participants, who listen to experts in the field, and followed computer practicals. An additional task assigned to participants was to predict the structure of a complex (target120) in the ongoing CASP-CAPRI experiment. The participants were divived into five teams who could use whatever methods they like to come to a prediction. These were submitted to CAPRI as the EMBO2016 predictor team.

HADDOCK was of course represented in this course, with both a lecture on Integrative Modelling using HADDOCK by Alexandre Bonvin and a HADDOCK computer tutorial given by Anna Vangone and João Rodrigues. Use of our web portal, powered by EGI-Engage, West-Life, INDIGO-DataCloud and BioExcel H2020 EU projects was demonstrated.