We are welcoming our new group member: Mikael Trellet!
Mikael previously spent time in our group as student during his master studies in France, and stayed one more year after that working on the eNMR/WeNMR EU project. His work at that time resulted among others in a nice protein-peptide HADDOCKing paper.
Mikael got his PhD last December in the group of Marc Baaden in Paris, working on “Exploration et analyse immersives de données moléculaires guidées par la tâche et la modélisation sémantique des contenus”. He will now work as post-doc on the EU H2020 BioExcel and West-Life projects.
We expect his expertise to bring HADDOCK’s development to great heights!

Photo from the HADDOCK developer’s retreat in Loulle, Jura, France, October 2015