Energy Minimization refinement module

Module contents

Energy minimization refinement with CNS.

The [emref] module refine the input complexes by energy minimization using conjugate gradient method implemented in CNS.

Coordinates of the energy minimized structures are saved, and each complex is then evaluated using the HADDOCK scoring function.

class haddock.modules.refinement.emref.HaddockModule(order: int, path: Path, initial_params: str | Path = PosixPath('/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.16/x64/lib/python3.10/site-packages/haddock/modules/refinement/emref/defaults.yaml'))[source]

Bases: BaseCNSModule

HADDOCK3 module energy minimization refinement.

classmethod confirm_installation() None[source]

Confirm module is installed.

name: str = 'emref'

Default Parameters



default: ‘’
type: file
title: Ambiguous distance restraints filename
short description: Filename of the ambiguous distance restraints file
long description: Filename of the ambiguous distance restraints file. By default 50% of those restraints will be randomly discared. This can be changed/turned off and is controlled by the randremoval and npart parameters. Note that this file can contain both ambiguous and unambiguous restraints.
group: distance restraints
explevel: easy


default: ‘’
type: file
title: Dihedral angle restraints filename
short description: Filename of the Dihedral angle restraints file
long description: Filename of the Dihedral angle restraints file.
group: dihedral restraints
explevel: easy


default: False
type: boolean
title: Use dihedral angle restraints
short description: Turns on dihedral angle restraints.
long description: Turns on dihedral angle restraints. Those should be defined in the dihe_fname file.
group: dihedral restraints
explevel: easy


default: 200
type: integer
title: Force constant for dihedral angle restraints
min: 0
max: 9999
short description: Force constant applied to the dihedral angle restraints read from dihe_fname.
long description: Force constant applied to the dihedral angle restraints read from dihe_fname.
group: dihedral restraints
explevel: easy


default: False
type: boolean
title: Restrain the DNA conformation
short description: Automatically creates restraints to maintain the conformation of DNA/RNA
long description: This option allows to restraint the conformation of nucleic acids based on the values from the input structures. The following restraints will be automatically defined: - single base planarity - sugar pucker - phosphate backbone diherdral angle restraints - Watson-Crick base pairing
group: other restraints
explevel: easy


default: True
type: boolean
title: Include electrostatics energy
short description: Include electrostatics energy during the calculations.
long description: Include electrostatics energy during the calculations. If set to false electrostatics will not be considered.
group: force field
explevel: easy


default: 10
type: integer
title: Force constant for backbone dihedral angle restraints
min: 0
max: 180
short description: Force constant for backbone dihedral angle restraints (ssdihed option)
long description: Force constant for backbone dihedral angle restraints (ssdihed option)
group: dihedral restraints
explevel: easy


default: ‘’
type: file
title: H-bond restraints filename
short description: Filename of the hydrogen bond distance restraints file
long description: Filename of the hydrogen bond distance restraints file. Note that this file can contain any type of distance restraints.
group: distance restraints
explevel: easy


default: ‘’
type: file
title: Custom ligand parameter file
short description: Ligand parameter file in CNS format
long description: Ligand parameter file in CNS format containing all force field parameters (bond, angles, dihedrals, impropers, van der waals) for any ligand not supported by default by HADDOCK
group: force field
explevel: easy


default: ‘’
type: file
title: Custom ligand topology file
short description: Ligand topology file in CNS format
long description: Ligand topology file in CNS format containing the ligand topologies (atoms, masses, charges, bond definitions…) for any ligand not supported by default by HADDOCK
group: force field
explevel: easy


default: False
type: boolean
title: Is the molecule a shape?
short description: Defines a molecule as a shape.
long description: Defines a molecule as a shape, which is a collection of beads.
group: molecule
explevel: easy


default: ‘none’
type: string
title: Define automatically backbone dihedral angle restraints
choices: [‘none’, ‘all’, ‘alpha’, ‘alphabeta’]
short description: If turned on, this option will automatically defined backbone dihedral angle restraints for the selected regions.
long description: This option allows to utomatically defined backbone dihedral angle restraints for the selected regions. The restraints will be defined for the phi and psi backbone dihedral angles of amino acids, with the target value taken from the measured angle in the input structure, and the error bound defined by the error_dih parameter. Those restraints can be applied to the entire structure (all), the alpha/beta secondary structure elements (alphabeta) or only to the alpha helical regions (alpha). Those are automatically detected based on the measured dihedral angle combinations.
group: dihedral restraints
explevel: easy


default: ‘’
type: file
title: Unambiguous restraints filename
short description: Filename of the unambiguous distance restraints file
long description: Filename of the unambiguous distance restraints file. All restraints in that file will be used. Note that this file can contain both ambiguous and unambiguous restraints.
group: distance restraints
explevel: easy



default: 50
type: integer
title: Force constant for ambiguous distance restraints
min: 0
max: 1000
short description: Force constant applied to the distance restraints defined in ambig_fname.
long description: Force constant applied to the distance restraints defined in ambig_fname.
group: distance restraints
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of last residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of last residue in the first C2 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of last residue in the first C2 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of last residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of last residue in the second C2 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of last residue in the second C2 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: ‘’
type: string
title: Segment ID of first C2 segment
short description: Segment ID of first C2 segment
long description: Segment ID of first C2 segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: ‘’
type: string
title: Segment ID of second C2 segment
short description: Segment ID of second C2 segment
long description: Segment ID of second C2 segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of first residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of first residue in the first C2 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of first residue in the first C2 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of first residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of first residue in the second C2 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of first residue in the second C2 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of last residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of last residue in the first C3 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of last residue in the first C3 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of last residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of last residue in the second C3 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of last residue in the second C3 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of last residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of last residue in the third C3 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of last residue in the third C3 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: ‘’
type: string
title: Segment ID of first C3 segment
short description: Segment ID of first C3 segment
long description: Segment ID of first C3 segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: ‘’
type: string
title: Segment ID of second C3 segment
short description: Segment ID of second C3 segment
long description: Segment ID of second C3 segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: ‘’
type: string
title: Segment ID of third C3 segment
short description: Segment ID of third C3 segment
long description: Segment ID of third C3 segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of first residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of first residue in the first C3 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of first residue in the first C3 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of first residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of first residue in the second C3 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of first residue in the second C3 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of first residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of first residue in the third C3 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of first residue in the third C3 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of last residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of last residue in the first C4 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of last residue in the first C4 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of last residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of last residue in the second C4 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of last residue in the second C4 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of last residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of last residue in the third C4 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of last residue in the third C4 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of last residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of last residue in the fourth C4 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of last residue in the fourth C4 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: ‘’
type: string
title: Segment ID of first C4 segment
short description: Segment ID of first C4 segment
long description: Segment ID of first C4 segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: ‘’
type: string
title: Segment ID of second C4 segment
short description: Segment ID of second C4 segment
long description: Segment ID of second C4 segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: ‘’
type: string
title: Segment ID of third C4 segment
short description: Segment ID of third C4 segment
long description: Segment ID of third C4 segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: ‘’
type: string
title: Segment ID of fourth C4 segment
short description: Segment ID of fourth C4 segment
long description: Segment ID of fourth C4 segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of first residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of first residue in the first C4 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of first residue in the first C4 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of first residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of first residue in the second C4 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of first residue in the second C4 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of first residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of first residue in the third C4 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of first residue in the third C4 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of first residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of first residue in the fourth C4 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of first residue in the fourth C4 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of last residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of last residue in the first C5 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of last residue in the first C5 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of last residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of last residue in the second C5 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of last residue in the second C5 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of last residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of last residue in the third C5 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of last residue in the third C5 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of last residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of last residue in the fourth C5 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of last residue in the fourth C5 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of last residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of last residue in the fifth C5 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of last residue in the fifth C5 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: ‘’
type: string
title: Segment ID of first C5 segment
short description: Segment ID of first C5 segment
long description: Segment ID of first C5 segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: ‘’
type: string
title: Segment ID of second C5 segment
short description: Segment ID of second C5 segment
long description: Segment ID of second C5 segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: ‘’
type: string
title: Segment ID of third C5 segment
short description: Segment ID of third C5 segment
long description: Segment ID of third C5 segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: ‘’
type: string
title: Segment ID of fourth C5 segment
short description: Segment ID of fourth C5 segment
long description: Segment ID of fourth C5 segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: ‘’
type: string
title: Segment ID of fifth C5 segment
short description: Segment ID of fifth C5 segment
long description: Segment ID of fifth C5 segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of first residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of first residue in the first C5 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of first residue in the first C5 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of first residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of first residue in the second C5 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of first residue in the second C5 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of first residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of first residue in the third C5 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of first residue in the third C5 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of first residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of first residue in the fourth C5 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of first residue in the fourth C5 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of first residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of first residue in the fifth C5 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of first residue in the fifth C5 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of last residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of last residue in the first C6 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of last residue in the first C6 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of last residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of last residue in the second C6 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of last residue in the second C6 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of last residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of last residue in the third C6 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of last residue in the third C6 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of last residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of last residue in the fourth C6 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of last residue in the fourth C6 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of last residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of last residue in the fifth C6 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of last residue in the fifth C6 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of last residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of last residue in the sixth C6 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of last residue in the sixth C6 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: ‘’
type: string
title: Segment ID of first C6 segment
short description: Segment ID of first C6 segment
long description: Segment ID of first C6 segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: ‘’
type: string
title: Segment ID of second C6 segment
short description: Segment ID of second C6 segment
long description: Segment ID of second C6 segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: ‘’
type: string
title: Segment ID of third C6 segment
short description: Segment ID of third C6 segment
long description: Segment ID of third C6 segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: ‘’
type: string
title: Segment ID of fourth C6 segment
short description: Segment ID of fourth C6 segment
long description: Segment ID of fourth C6 segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: ‘’
type: string
title: Segment ID of fifth C6 segment
short description: Segment ID of fifth C6 segment
long description: Segment ID of fifth C6 segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: ‘’
type: string
title: Segment ID of sixth C6 segment
short description: Segment ID of sixth C6 segment
long description: Segment ID of sixth C6 segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of first residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of first residue in the first C6 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of first residue in the first C6 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of first residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of first residue in the second C6 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of first residue in the second C6 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of first residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of first residue in the third C6 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of first residue in the third C6 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of first residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of first residue in the fourth C6 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of first residue in the fourth C6 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of first residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of first residue in the fifth C6 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of first residue in the fifth C6 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of first residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of first residue in the sixth C6 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of first residue in the sixth C6 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: False
type: boolean
title: Contact restraints
short description: Contact restraints between molecules
long description: Contact restraints between molecules. These are defined as ambiguous distance restraint between each residue of a molecule and all residues of the other molecules with 5A from that residue. This can be used to restraint the contacts between the interfaces. Note that this can generate a large number of ambiguous restraints and slow down the computations
group: distance restraints
explevel: expert


default: ‘cdie’
type: string
title: Constant (cdie) or distance-dependent dielectric (rdie) constant.
choices: [‘cdie’, ‘rdie’]
short description: Use a constant (cdie option) or a distance-dependent dielectric (rdie) constant in the Coulomb potential.
long description: Use a constant (cdie option) or a distance-dependent dielectric (rdie) constant in the Coulomb potential. A distance dependent dielectric constant will effectively scale down the electrostatic energy by having a 1/r**2 dependency instead of 1/r
group: force field
explevel: expert


default: True
type: boolean
title: Use torsion angle dihedral energy term
short description: Turns on the torsion angle dihedral energy terms of the force field.
long description: Turns on the torsion angle dihedral energy terms of the force field.
group: force field
explevel: expert


default: 1.0
type: float
title: Dielectric constant
min: 1
max: 78
short description: Dielectric constant for the electrostatic Coulomb energy term.
long description: Dielectric constant for the electrostatic Coulomb energy term.
group: force field
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: End residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the end of the fully flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the end of this (1st) fully flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: ‘none’
type: string
title: Segment ID (segid)
short description: Segment ID of the molecule for which this flexible segment is defined.
long description: Segment ID of the molecule for which this (1st) flexible segment is defined.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Starting residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the start of the fully flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the start of this (1st) fully flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: 50
type: integer
title: Force constant for hbonds distance restraints
min: 0
max: 1000
short description: Force constant applied to the distance restraints defined in hbond_fname.
long description: Force constant applied to the distance restraints defined in hbond_fname.
group: distance restraints
explevel: expert


default: 1.0
type: float
title: Contact restraints force constant
min: 0
max: 1000
short description: Force constant applied to the contact restraints.
long description: Force constant applied to the contact restraints.
group: distance restraints
explevel: expert


default: 1.0
type: float
title: Force constant for non-crystallographic restraints
min: 0
max: 1000
short description: Force constant for non-crystallographic restraints
long description: Force constant for non-crystallographic restraints
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: 10.0
type: float
title: Force constant for symmetry restraints
min: 0
max: 1000
short description: Force constant for symmetry restraints
long description: Force constant for symmetry restraints
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: 50000
type: integer
title: Maximum number of models to refine
min: 1
max: 100000
short description: This parameter controls the maximum number of models to refine.
long description: This parameter controls the maximum number of models to refine.
group: sampling
explevel: expert


default: False
type: boolean
title: Fix molecule
short description: Fixes the molecule in its original position.
long description: Fixes the molecule in its original position.
group: molecule
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of last residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of last residue in the first NCS segment
long description: Residue number of last residue in the first NCS segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of last residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of last residue in the second NCS segment
long description: Residue number of last residue in the second NCS segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: False
type: boolean
title: Non-crystallographic symmetry restraints
short description: Non-crystallographic symmetry restraints to ensure two molecules will have the same conformation.
long description: Non-crystallographic symmetry restraints to ensure two molecules will have the same conformation. This does not apply any symmetry between the two molecules but rather defines restraints such as the RMSD between those is 0.
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: ‘’
type: string
title: Segment ID of first NCS segment
short description: Segment ID of first NCS segment
long description: Segment ID of first NCS segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: ‘’
type: string
title: Segment ID of second NCS segment
short description: Segment ID of second NCS segment
long description: Segment ID of second NCS segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of first residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of first residue in the first NCS segment
long description: Residue number of first residue in the first NCS segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of first residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of first residue in the second NCS segment
long description: Residue number of first residue in the second NCS segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: 200
type: integer
title: Number of EM steps
min: 1
max: 10000
short description: Number of energy minimisation steps to perform.
long description: Number of energy minimisation steps to perform. Note that the effective number might be smaller if the minimisation converges earlier.
group: sampling
explevel: expert


default: 2
type: integer
title: Number partitions for ambiguous restraints
min: 1
max: 20
short description: Number of sets into which to randomly partition the ambiguous restraints.
long description: Number of sets into which to randomly partition the ambiguous restraints. The fraction of restraints randomly removed depends on the npart parameter which defines in how many sets the restraints should be randomly split. The first set will be removed. The fraction of randomly removed ambiguous restraints is thus 1/npart.
group: distance restraints
explevel: expert


default: -1
type: integer
title: Number of semi-flexible segments
min: -1
max: 1000
short description: This defines the number of semi-flexible segments (-1 automatic, 0 ridig, >1 manual definition).
long description: This parameter defines the number of semi-flexible segments for the specified molecule. If set to -1 then those are automatically defined based on contacts. Those can also be manually defined by defining the number of segment (nseg>=1). In that case the starting and ending residues of each segment must be defined. The position of atoms in regions outside the semi-flexible regions will have weak harmonic positional restraints during the energy minimisation. If nseg is set to 0, then the molecule will be kept ridig.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: -1
type: integer
title: Number of semi-flexible segments
min: -1
max: 1000
short description: This defines the number of semi-flexible segments (-1 automatic, 0 ridig, >1 manual definition).
long description: This parameter defines the number of semi-flexible segments for the specified molecule. If set to -1 then those are automatically defined based on contacts. Those can also be manually defined by defining the number of segment (nseg>=1). In that case the starting and ending residues of each segment must be defined. The position of atoms in regions outside the semi-flexible regions will have weak harmonic positional restraints during the energy minimisation. If nseg is set to 0, then the molecule will be kept ridig.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: -1
type: integer
title: Number of semi-flexible segments
min: -1
max: 1000
short description: This defines the number of semi-flexible segments (-1 automatic, 0 ridig, >1 manual definition).
long description: This parameter defines the number of semi-flexible segments for the specified molecule. If set to -1 then those are automatically defined based on contacts. Those can also be manually defined by defining the number of segment (nseg>=1). In that case the starting and ending residues of each segment must be defined. The position of atoms in regions outside the semi-flexible regions will have weak harmonic positional restraints during the energy minimisation. If nseg is set to 0, then the molecule will be kept ridig.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: -1
type: integer
title: Number of semi-flexible segments
min: -1
max: 1000
short description: This defines the number of semi-flexible segments (-1 automatic, 0 ridig, >1 manual definition).
long description: This parameter defines the number of semi-flexible segments for the specified molecule. If set to -1 then those are automatically defined based on contacts. Those can also be manually defined by defining the number of segment (nseg>=1). In that case the starting and ending residues of each segment must be defined. The position of atoms in regions outside the semi-flexible regions will have weak harmonic positional restraints during the energy minimisation. If nseg is set to 0, then the molecule will be kept ridig.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: -1
type: integer
title: Number of semi-flexible segments
min: -1
max: 1000
short description: This defines the number of semi-flexible segments (-1 automatic, 0 ridig, >1 manual definition).
long description: This parameter defines the number of semi-flexible segments for the specified molecule. If set to -1 then those are automatically defined based on contacts. Those can also be manually defined by defining the number of segment (nseg>=1). In that case the starting and ending residues of each segment must be defined. The position of atoms in regions outside the semi-flexible regions will have weak harmonic positional restraints during the energy minimisation. If nseg is set to 0, then the molecule will be kept ridig.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: -1
type: integer
title: Number of semi-flexible segments
min: -1
max: 1000
short description: This defines the number of semi-flexible segments (-1 automatic, 0 ridig, >1 manual definition).
long description: This parameter defines the number of semi-flexible segments for the specified molecule. If set to -1 then those are automatically defined based on contacts. Those can also be manually defined by defining the number of segment (nseg>=1). In that case the starting and ending residues of each segment must be defined. The position of atoms in regions outside the semi-flexible regions will have weak harmonic positional restraints during the energy minimisation. If nseg is set to 0, then the molecule will be kept ridig.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: -1
type: integer
title: Number of semi-flexible segments
min: -1
max: 1000
short description: This defines the number of semi-flexible segments (-1 automatic, 0 ridig, >1 manual definition).
long description: This parameter defines the number of semi-flexible segments for the specified molecule. If set to -1 then those are automatically defined based on contacts. Those can also be manually defined by defining the number of segment (nseg>=1). In that case the starting and ending residues of each segment must be defined. The position of atoms in regions outside the semi-flexible regions will have weak harmonic positional restraints during the energy minimisation. If nseg is set to 0, then the molecule will be kept ridig.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: -1
type: integer
title: Number of semi-flexible segments
min: -1
max: 1000
short description: This defines the number of semi-flexible segments (-1 automatic, 0 ridig, >1 manual definition).
long description: This parameter defines the number of semi-flexible segments for the specified molecule. If set to -1 then those are automatically defined based on contacts. Those can also be manually defined by defining the number of segment (nseg>=1). In that case the starting and ending residues of each segment must be defined. The position of atoms in regions outside the semi-flexible regions will have weak harmonic positional restraints during the energy minimisation. If nseg is set to 0, then the molecule will be kept ridig.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: -1
type: integer
title: Number of semi-flexible segments
min: -1
max: 1000
short description: This defines the number of semi-flexible segments (-1 automatic, 0 ridig, >1 manual definition).
long description: This parameter defines the number of semi-flexible segments for the specified molecule. If set to -1 then those are automatically defined based on contacts. Those can also be manually defined by defining the number of segment (nseg>=1). In that case the starting and ending residues of each segment must be defined. The position of atoms in regions outside the semi-flexible regions will have weak harmonic positional restraints during the energy minimisation. If nseg is set to 0, then the molecule will be kept ridig.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: -1
type: integer
title: Number of semi-flexible segments
min: -1
max: 1000
short description: This defines the number of semi-flexible segments (-1 automatic, 0 ridig, >1 manual definition).
long description: This parameter defines the number of semi-flexible segments for the specified molecule. If set to -1 then those are automatically defined based on contacts. Those can also be manually defined by defining the number of segment (nseg>=1). In that case the starting and ending residues of each segment must be defined. The position of atoms in regions outside the semi-flexible regions will have weak harmonic positional restraints during the energy minimisation. If nseg is set to 0, then the molecule will be kept ridig.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: -1
type: integer
title: Number of semi-flexible segments
min: -1
max: 1000
short description: This defines the number of semi-flexible segments (-1 automatic, 0 ridig, >1 manual definition).
long description: This parameter defines the number of semi-flexible segments for the specified molecule. If set to -1 then those are automatically defined based on contacts. Those can also be manually defined by defining the number of segment (nseg>=1). In that case the starting and ending residues of each segment must be defined. The position of atoms in regions outside the semi-flexible regions will have weak harmonic positional restraints during the energy minimisation. If nseg is set to 0, then the molecule will be kept ridig.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: -1
type: integer
title: Number of semi-flexible segments
min: -1
max: 1000
short description: This defines the number of semi-flexible segments (-1 automatic, 0 ridig, >1 manual definition).
long description: This parameter defines the number of semi-flexible segments for the specified molecule. If set to -1 then those are automatically defined based on contacts. Those can also be manually defined by defining the number of segment (nseg>=1). In that case the starting and ending residues of each segment must be defined. The position of atoms in regions outside the semi-flexible regions will have weak harmonic positional restraints during the energy minimisation. If nseg is set to 0, then the molecule will be kept ridig.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: -1
type: integer
title: Number of semi-flexible segments
min: -1
max: 1000
short description: This defines the number of semi-flexible segments (-1 automatic, 0 ridig, >1 manual definition).
long description: This parameter defines the number of semi-flexible segments for the specified molecule. If set to -1 then those are automatically defined based on contacts. Those can also be manually defined by defining the number of segment (nseg>=1). In that case the starting and ending residues of each segment must be defined. The position of atoms in regions outside the semi-flexible regions will have weak harmonic positional restraints during the energy minimisation. If nseg is set to 0, then the molecule will be kept ridig.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: -1
type: integer
title: Number of semi-flexible segments
min: -1
max: 1000
short description: This defines the number of semi-flexible segments (-1 automatic, 0 ridig, >1 manual definition).
long description: This parameter defines the number of semi-flexible segments for the specified molecule. If set to -1 then those are automatically defined based on contacts. Those can also be manually defined by defining the number of segment (nseg>=1). In that case the starting and ending residues of each segment must be defined. The position of atoms in regions outside the semi-flexible regions will have weak harmonic positional restraints during the energy minimisation. If nseg is set to 0, then the molecule will be kept ridig.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: -1
type: integer
title: Number of semi-flexible segments
min: -1
max: 1000
short description: This defines the number of semi-flexible segments (-1 automatic, 0 ridig, >1 manual definition).
long description: This parameter defines the number of semi-flexible segments for the specified molecule. If set to -1 then those are automatically defined based on contacts. Those can also be manually defined by defining the number of segment (nseg>=1). In that case the starting and ending residues of each segment must be defined. The position of atoms in regions outside the semi-flexible regions will have weak harmonic positional restraints during the energy minimisation. If nseg is set to 0, then the molecule will be kept ridig.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: -1
type: integer
title: Number of semi-flexible segments
min: -1
max: 1000
short description: This defines the number of semi-flexible segments (-1 automatic, 0 ridig, >1 manual definition).
long description: This parameter defines the number of semi-flexible segments for the specified molecule. If set to -1 then those are automatically defined based on contacts. Those can also be manually defined by defining the number of segment (nseg>=1). In that case the starting and ending residues of each segment must be defined. The position of atoms in regions outside the semi-flexible regions will have weak harmonic positional restraints during the energy minimisation. If nseg is set to 0, then the molecule will be kept ridig.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: -1
type: integer
title: Number of semi-flexible segments
min: -1
max: 1000
short description: This defines the number of semi-flexible segments (-1 automatic, 0 ridig, >1 manual definition).
long description: This parameter defines the number of semi-flexible segments for the specified molecule. If set to -1 then those are automatically defined based on contacts. Those can also be manually defined by defining the number of segment (nseg>=1). In that case the starting and ending residues of each segment must be defined. The position of atoms in regions outside the semi-flexible regions will have weak harmonic positional restraints during the energy minimisation. If nseg is set to 0, then the molecule will be kept ridig.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: -1
type: integer
title: Number of semi-flexible segments
min: -1
max: 1000
short description: This defines the number of semi-flexible segments (-1 automatic, 0 ridig, >1 manual definition).
long description: This parameter defines the number of semi-flexible segments for the specified molecule. If set to -1 then those are automatically defined based on contacts. Those can also be manually defined by defining the number of segment (nseg>=1). In that case the starting and ending residues of each segment must be defined. The position of atoms in regions outside the semi-flexible regions will have weak harmonic positional restraints during the energy minimisation. If nseg is set to 0, then the molecule will be kept ridig.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: -1
type: integer
title: Number of semi-flexible segments
min: -1
max: 1000
short description: This defines the number of semi-flexible segments (-1 automatic, 0 ridig, >1 manual definition).
long description: This parameter defines the number of semi-flexible segments for the specified molecule. If set to -1 then those are automatically defined based on contacts. Those can also be manually defined by defining the number of segment (nseg>=1). In that case the starting and ending residues of each segment must be defined. The position of atoms in regions outside the semi-flexible regions will have weak harmonic positional restraints during the energy minimisation. If nseg is set to 0, then the molecule will be kept ridig.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: -1
type: integer
title: Number of semi-flexible segments
min: -1
max: 1000
short description: This defines the number of semi-flexible segments (-1 automatic, 0 ridig, >1 manual definition).
long description: This parameter defines the number of semi-flexible segments for the specified molecule. If set to -1 then those are automatically defined based on contacts. Those can also be manually defined by defining the number of segment (nseg>=1). In that case the starting and ending residues of each segment must be defined. The position of atoms in regions outside the semi-flexible regions will have weak harmonic positional restraints during the energy minimisation. If nseg is set to 0, then the molecule will be kept ridig.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: False
type: boolean
title: Boolean condition on the previous ambiguous distance restraints file
short description: Boolean condition on the previous ambiguous distance restraints file. If true, use the the restraint information coming from the previous CNS module. If false, don’t use previous information.
long description: Boolean condition on the ambiguous distance restraints file. If true, use the restraint information coming from the previous CNS module, as long as an ambig_fname is not defined for the current module. If false, don’t use previous information.
group: distance restraints
explevel: expert


default: True
type: boolean
title: Random removal of ambiguous restraints
short description: If set to true (default) this will cause the random removal of ambiguous restraints for each model generated.
long description: If set to true (default) this will cause the random removal of ambiguous restraints for each model generated. The fraction of restraints randomly removed depends on the npart parameter which defines in how many sets the restraints should be randomly split. The first set will be removed. The fraction of randomly removed ambiguous restraints is thus 1/npart.
group: distance restraints
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of last residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of last residue in the first S3 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of last residue in the first S3 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of last residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of last residue in the second S3 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of last residue in the second S3 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of last residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of last residue in the third S3 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of last residue in the third S3 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: ‘’
type: string
title: Segment ID of first S3 segment
short description: Segment ID of first S3 segment
long description: Segment ID of first S3 segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: ‘’
type: string
title: Segment ID of second S3 segment
short description: Segment ID of second S3 segment
long description: Segment ID of second S3 segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: ‘’
type: string
title: Segment ID of third S3 segment
short description: Segment ID of third S3 segment
long description: Segment ID of third S3 segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of first residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of first residue in the first S3 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of first residue in the first S3 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of first residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of first residue in the second S3 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of first residue in the second S3 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Residue number of first residue
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number of first residue in the third S3 symmetry segment
long description: Residue number of first residue in the third S3 symmetry segment
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: 1
type: integer
title: Sampling factor for each starting model
min: 1
max: 500
short description: This parameter control how many times a model will be refined.
long description: This parameter control how many times a model will be refined. For EM refinement only it does not make sense to increase it unless random removal of restraints is turned on. If not then the energy minimisation will lead to the same final conformation.
group: sampling
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Ending residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Ending residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Ending residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Ending residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Ending residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Ending residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Ending residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Ending residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Ending residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Ending residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Ending residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Ending residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Ending residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Ending residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Ending residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Ending residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Ending residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Ending residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Ending residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Ending residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the end of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Starting residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Starting residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Starting residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Starting residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Starting residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Starting residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Starting residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Starting residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Starting residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Starting residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Starting residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Starting residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Starting residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Starting residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Starting residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Starting residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Starting residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Starting residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Starting residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: nan
type: integer
title: Starting residue number
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
long description: Residue number defining the start of the semi-flexible segment.
group: flexibility
explevel: expert


default: False
type: boolean
title: Symmetry restraints
short description: Enables symmetry restraints
long description: Enables symmetry restraints. The symmetry type (C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,S3 supported) and the segments to which those apply must be defined. In addition a custom symmetry restraint file can be supplied (symrest_fname).
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: ‘’
type: file
title: Custom symmetry restraints filename
short description: Filename of the custom symmetry restraints file
long description: Filename of the custom symmetry restraints file.
group: symmetry
explevel: expert


default: 5
type: integer
title: Failure tolerance percentage
min: 0
max: 99
short description: Percentage of allowed failures for a module to successfully complete
long description: Percentage of allowed failures for a module to successfully complete
group: module
explevel: expert


default: 50
type: integer
title: Force constant for unambiguous distance restraints
min: 0
max: 1000
short description: Force constant applied to the distance restraints defined in unambig_fname.
long description: Force constant applied to the distance restraints defined in unambig_fname.
group: distance restraints
explevel: expert


default: 0.1
type: float
title: Weight of the distance restraint energy
min: 0
max: 9999
short description: Weight of the distance restraints energy in the scoring function
long description: Weight of the distance restraints energy in the scoring function. Note that this is different from the force constants used during the calculations.
group: scoring
explevel: expert


default: 0.0
type: float
title: Weight of the buried surface area term
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Weight of the buried surface area term in the scoring function
long description: Weight of the buried surface area (BSA) term in the scoring function. Note that the BSA is only used for scoring.
group: scoring
explevel: expert


default: 0.0
type: float
title: Weight of the dihedral angle restraint energy
min: 0
max: 9999
short description: Weight of the dihedral angle restraints energy in the scoring function
long description: Weight of the dihedral angle restraints energy in the scoring function. Note that this is different from the force constant used during the calculations.
group: scoring
explevel: expert


default: 1.0
type: float
title: Weight of the desolvation energy term
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Weight of the desolvation energy term in the scoring function
long description: Weight of the desolvation energy term in the scoring function. Note that the desolvation energy is only used for scoring.
group: scoring
explevel: expert


default: 0.2
type: float
title: Weight of the intermolecular electrostatic energy
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Weight of the intermolecular electrostatic energy in the scoring function
long description: Weight of the intermolecular electrostatic energy in the scoring function. Note that this does not affect the electostatic energy during the EM minimization.
group: scoring
explevel: expert


default: 0.1
type: float
title: Weight of the symmetry restraint energy
min: 0
max: 9999
short description: Weight of the symmetry restraints energy in the scoring function
long description: Weight of the symmetry restraints energy in the scoring function. Note that this is different from the force constant used during the calculations.
group: scoring
explevel: expert


default: 1.0
type: float
title: Weight of the intermolecular van der Waals energy
min: -9999
max: 9999
short description: Weight of the intermolecular van der Waals energy in the scoring function
long description: Weight of the intermolecular van der Waals energy in the scoring function. Note that this does not affect the van der Waals energy during the EM minimization.
group: scoring
explevel: expert



default: 917
type: integer
title: Random seed
min: 0
max: 9999999999999999
short description: Random seed used in CNS to initialize the random seed function
long description: Random seed used in CNS to initialize the random seed function
group: sampling
explevel: guru


default: False
type: boolean
title: Write water molecules to output file
short description: Write water molecules if present to the output file.
long description: Write water molecules if present to the output file.
group: sampling
explevel: guru


default: ‘quiet’
type: string
title: Log level verbosity for CNS
choices: [‘verbose’, ‘normal’, ‘quiet’]
short description: Set the log level verbosity for CNS
long description: CNS, the computational engine used by HADDOCK can generate a lot of output messages. This parameter controls the verbosity of CNS (verbose, normal or quiet).
group: module
explevel: guru