Water refinement module
Module contents
Explicit solvent MD refinement with CNS.
The [mdref]
module (also known as itw
in HADDOCK2.X series), is a small
molecular dynamics simulation, in cartesian space, using explicit solvent.
A layer of solvent (8A for water, 12.5A for DMSO) is generated around surface residues.
The mdref protocol is composed of 4 sequential steps: - Short energy minimization - 3 stages of molecular dynamics to reach 300K (at 100, 200 and 300K) - Molecular dynamics at 300K. - 3 stages of molecular dynamics, to reach 100K (at 300, 200 and 100K)
Using this protocol, with default parameters, no spectacular changes are expected, however, the scoring of the various structures might be improved.
Number of MD steps can be modified using the waterheatsteps
, watersteps
and watercoolsteps
- class haddock.modules.refinement.mdref.HaddockModule(order: int, path: Path, initial_params: str | Path = PosixPath('/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.16/x64/lib/python3.10/site-packages/haddock/modules/refinement/mdref/defaults.yaml'))[source]
HADDOCK3 module for water refinement.